
似乎每次我检查队列时,它实际上都在显示 Env.now。有什么建议吗?

import simpy

num_of_machines = 2

env = simpy.Environment()
bcs = simpy.Resource(env, capacity=num_of_machines)

def monitor(resource):
     """This is our monitoring callback."""

     print('Queue size: %s' % len(resource.queue))

def process_client(env, name):

    with bcs.request() as req:
        yield req
        print('%s starting to charge at %s' % (name, env.now))
        yield env.timeout(90)
        print('%s ending charge at %s' % (name, env.now))

def setup(env):
    i = 0

    while True:
        i += 1
        yield env.timeout(1)

        env.process(process_client(env, ('Car %s' % i)))




Car 1 starting to charge at 1
Car 2 starting to charge at 2
Car 1 ending charge at 91
Queue size: 88
Car 3 starting to charge at 91
Car 2 ending charge at 92
Queue size: 88
Car 4 starting to charge at 92
Car 3 ending charge at 181
Queue size: 176
Car 5 starting to charge at 181
Car 4 ending charge at 182
Queue size: 176
Car 6 starting to charge at 182
Car 5 ending charge at 271
Queue size: 264
Car 7 starting to charge at 271
Car 6 ending charge at 272
Queue size: 264
Car 8 starting to charge at 272

1 回答 1


每个时间步都生成一个process_client(),因此当这些进程中的第一个在 90 个时间步之后完成时,您已经创建了 90 个正在排队的新进程。所以你的数字看起来很正确。

于 2016-08-29T21:55:55.287 回答