我正在使用来自http://www.tuio.org/?flash的 tuio as3 参考实现转换一个简单的 flash 'drumset' 应用程序以支持 TUIO 多点触控
作为一个快速而肮脏的解决方案,我试图触发一个人为的 MouseEvent,但似乎什么也没发生:(我的错误在哪里?这甚至可能吗?已经谢谢了!
package {
import org.tuio.tuio.*;
import org.tuio.osc.*;
import flash.display.*;
import flash.ui.*;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.media.*;
public class drumsets2 extends MovieClip implements ITuioListener {
private var tuio:TuioClient;
var soundS01:Sound = new S01();
// more sounds...
public function drumsets2(){
this.tuio = new TuioClient(new LCConnector());
drum1.hitS01.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, playS01);
// more event listeners for sounds...
// this is where the 'magic' is supposed to happen
public function addTuioCursor(tuioCursor:TuioCursor):void {
new MouseEvent( MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, true, false, tuioCursor.x*stage.stageWidth, tuioCursor.y*stage.stageHeight )
function playS01(e:MouseEvent):void
var scS01:SoundChannel = soundS01.play();
// more play functions...