I have some doubts regarding monitoring nexus OSS 3.0.1 server. Can some please let me know the following:-

  1. Are there any health check REST APIs available which we can query to get the health of overall nexus OSS server and for individual repo? I have seen this link. But couldn't find any REST API for health check?
  2. I am able to see "Metrics Core bundle" Active under Bundles. Can someone let me know if there is a way I can listen to these metrics?
  3. Are there any plugin / integration avaiable for datadog?
  4. In general how do people generally monitor nexus oss?

1 回答 1


Nexus 3.0.1 exposes authenticated access to metrics using http://metrics.dropwizard.io/3.1.0/manual/servlets/ You have these endpoints available for different purposes: {host:port}/service/metrics/healthcheck {host:port}/service/metrics/data {host:port}/service/metrics/ping {host:port}/service/metrics/threads

于 2016-08-26T20:35:25.830 回答