至少在我的机器上,在 OP 中看到的漂移的原因是每 ns 的 TSC 滴答数偏离其原始值_ticks_per_ns
. 以下结果来自这台机器:
don@HAL:~/UNIX/OS/3EZPcs/Ch06$ uname -a
Linux HAL 4.4.0-81-generic #104-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jun 14 08:17:06 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
don@HAL:~/UNIX/OS/3EZPcs/Ch06$ cat /sys/devices/system/clocksource/clocksource0/current_clocksource
cat /proc/cpuinfo

可以运行 viewRates.cc 来查看机器上每 ns 的当前 TSC Ticks:
static inline unsigned long rdtscp_start(void) {
unsigned long var;
unsigned int hi, lo;
__asm volatile ("cpuid\n\t"
"rdtsc\n\t" : "=a" (lo), "=d" (hi)
:: "%rbx", "%rcx");
var = ((unsigned long)hi << 32) | lo;
return (var);
static inline unsigned long rdtscp_end(void) {
unsigned long var;
unsigned int hi, lo;
__asm volatile ("rdtscp\n\t"
"mov %%edx, %1\n\t"
"mov %%eax, %0\n\t"
"cpuid\n\t" : "=r" (lo), "=r" (hi)
:: "%rax", "%rbx", "%rcx", "%rdx");
var = ((unsigned long)hi << 32) | lo;
return (var);
/*see https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/embedded/training/ia-32-ia-64-benchmark-code-execution-paper.html
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "rdtscp.h"
using std::cout; using std::cerr; using std::endl;
uint64_t to_ns(const timespec &ts); // Converts a struct timespec to ns (since epoch).
void view_ticks_per_ns(int runs =10, int sleep =10);
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int runs = 10, sleep = 10;
if (argc != 1 && argc != 3) {
cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " [ RUNS SLEEP ] \n";
} else if (argc == 3) {
runs = std::atoi(argv[1]);
sleep = std::atoi(argv[2]);
view_ticks_per_ns(runs, sleep);
void view_ticks_per_ns(int RUNS, int SLEEP) {
// Prints out stream of RUNS tsc ticks per ns, each calculated over a SLEEP secs interval.
timespec clock_start, clock_end;
unsigned long tsc1, tsc2, tsc_start, tsc_end;
unsigned long elapsed_ns, elapsed_ticks;
double rate; // ticks per ns from each run.
clock_getres(CLOCK, &clock_start);
cout << "Clock resolution: " << to_ns(clock_start) << "ns\n\n";
cout << " tsc ticks " << "ns " << " tsc ticks per ns\n";
for (int i = 0; i < RUNS; ++i) {
tsc1 = rdtscp_start();
clock_gettime(CLOCK, &clock_start);
tsc2 = rdtscp_end();
tsc_start = (tsc1 + tsc2) / 2;
tsc1 = rdtscp_start();
clock_gettime(CLOCK, &clock_end);
tsc2 = rdtscp_end();
tsc_end = (tsc1 + tsc2) / 2;
elapsed_ticks = tsc_end - tsc_start;
elapsed_ns = to_ns(clock_end) - to_ns(clock_start);
rate = static_cast<double>(elapsed_ticks) / elapsed_ns;
cout << elapsed_ticks << " " << elapsed_ns << " " << std::setprecision(12) << rate << endl;
可以运行 linearExtrapolator.cc 来重新创建 OP 的实验:
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include "rdtscp.h"
using std::cout; using std::endl; using std::array;
uint64_t to_ns(const timespec &ts); // Converts a struct timespec to ns (since epoch).
void set_ticks_per_ns(bool set_rate); // Display or set tsc ticks per ns, _ticks_per_ns.
void get_start(); // Sets the 'start' time point: _start_tsc[in ticks] and _start_clock_time[in ns].
uint64_t tsc_to_ns(uint64_t tsc); // Convert tsc ticks since _start_tsc to ns (since epoch) linearly using
// _ticks_per_ns with origin(0) at the 'start' point set by get_start().
uint64_t _start_tsc, _start_clock_time; // The 'start' time point as both tsc tick number, start_tsc, and as
// clock_gettime ns since epoch as _start_clock_time.
double _ticks_per_ns; // Calibrated in set_ticks_per_ns()
int main() {
set_ticks_per_ns(true); // Set _ticks_per_ns as the initial TSC ticks per ns.
uint64_t tsc1, tsc2, tsc_now, tsc_ns, utc_ns;
int64_t ns_diff;
bool first_pass{true};
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
timespec utc_now;
if (first_pass) {
get_start(); //Get start time in both ns since epoch (_start_clock_time), and tsc tick number(_start_tsc)
cout << "_start_clock_time: " << _start_clock_time << ", _start_tsc: " << _start_tsc << endl;
utc_ns = _start_clock_time;
tsc_ns = tsc_to_ns(_start_tsc); // == _start_clock_time by definition.
tsc_now = _start_tsc;
first_pass = false;
} else {
tsc1 = rdtscp_start();
clock_gettime(CLOCK, &utc_now);
tsc2 = rdtscp_end();
tsc_now = (tsc1 + tsc2) / 2;
tsc_ns = tsc_to_ns(tsc_now);
utc_ns = to_ns(utc_now);
ns_diff = tsc_ns - (int64_t)utc_ns;
cout << "elapsed ns: " << utc_ns - _start_clock_time << ", elapsed ticks: " << tsc_now - _start_tsc
<< ", ns_diff: " << ns_diff << '\n' << endl;
set_ticks_per_ns(false); // Display current TSC ticks per ns (does not alter original _ticks_per_ns).
void set_ticks_per_ns(bool set_rate) {
constexpr int RUNS {1}, SLEEP{10};
timespec clock_start, clock_end;
uint64_t tsc1, tsc2, tsc_start, tsc_end;
uint64_t elapsed_ns[RUNS], elapsed_ticks[RUNS];
array<double, RUNS> rates; // ticks per ns from each run.
if (set_rate) {
clock_getres(CLOCK, &clock_start);
cout << "Clock resolution: " << to_ns(clock_start) << "ns\n";
for (int i = 0; i < RUNS; ++i) {
tsc1 = rdtscp_start();
clock_gettime(CLOCK, &clock_start);
tsc2 = rdtscp_end();
tsc_start = (tsc1 + tsc2) / 2;
tsc1 = rdtscp_start();
clock_gettime(CLOCK, &clock_end);
tsc2 = rdtscp_end();
tsc_end = (tsc1 + tsc2) / 2;
elapsed_ticks[i] = tsc_end - tsc_start;
elapsed_ns[i] = to_ns(clock_end) - to_ns(clock_start);
rates[i] = static_cast<double>(elapsed_ticks[i]) / elapsed_ns[i];
cout << " tsc ticks " << "ns " << "tsc ticks per ns" << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < RUNS; ++i)
cout << elapsed_ticks[i] << " " << elapsed_ns[i] << " " << std::setprecision(12) << rates[i] << endl;
if (set_rate)
_ticks_per_ns = rates[RUNS-1];
constexpr uint64_t BILLION {1000000000};
uint64_t to_ns(const timespec &ts) {
return ts.tv_sec * BILLION + ts.tv_nsec;
void get_start() { // Get start time both in tsc ticks as _start_tsc, and in ns since epoch as _start_clock_time
timespec ts;
uint64_t beg, end;
// loop to ensure we aren't interrupted between the two tsc reads
while (1) {
beg = rdtscp_start();
clock_gettime(CLOCK, &ts);
end = rdtscp_end();
if ((end - beg) <= 2000) // max ticks per clock call
_start_tsc = (end + beg) / 2;
_start_clock_time = to_ns(ts); // converts timespec to ns since epoch
uint64_t tsc_to_ns(uint64_t tsc) { // Convert tsc ticks into absolute ns:
// Absolute ns is defined by this linear extrapolation from the start point where
//_start_tsc[in ticks] corresponds to _start_clock_time[in ns].
uint64_t diff = tsc - _start_tsc;
return _start_clock_time + static_cast<uint64_t>(diff / _ticks_per_ns);
don@HAL:~/UNIX/OS/3EZPcs/Ch06$ ./viewRates
Clock resolution: 1ns
tsc ticks ns tsc ticks per ns
28070466526 10000176697 2.8069970538
28070500272 10000194599 2.80699540335
28070489661 10000196097 2.80699392179
28070404159 10000170879 2.80699245029
28070464811 10000197285 2.80699110338
28070445753 10000195177 2.80698978932
28070430538 10000194298 2.80698851457
28070427907 10000197673 2.80698730414
28070409903 10000195492 2.80698611597
28070398177 10000195328 2.80698498942
don@HAL:~/UNIX/OS/3EZPcs/Ch06$ ./linearExtrapolator
Clock resolution: 1ns
tsc ticks ns tsc ticks per ns
28070385587 10000197480 2.8069831264
_start_clock_time: 1497966724156422794, _start_tsc: 4758879747559
elapsed ns: 0, elapsed ticks: 0, ns_diff: 0
tsc ticks ns tsc ticks per ns
28070364084 10000193633 2.80698205596
elapsed ns: 10000247486, elapsed ticks: 28070516229, ns_diff: -3465
tsc ticks ns tsc ticks per ns
28070358445 10000195130 2.80698107188
elapsed ns: 20000496849, elapsed ticks: 56141027929, ns_diff: -10419
tsc ticks ns tsc ticks per ns
28070350693 10000195646 2.80698015186
elapsed ns: 30000747550, elapsed ticks: 84211534141, ns_diff: -20667
tsc ticks ns tsc ticks per ns
28070324772 10000189692 2.80697923105
elapsed ns: 40000982325, elapsed ticks: 112281986547, ns_diff: -34158
tsc ticks ns tsc ticks per ns
28070340494 10000198352 2.80697837242
elapsed ns: 50001225563, elapsed ticks: 140352454025, ns_diff: -50742
tsc ticks ns tsc ticks per ns
28070325598 10000196057 2.80697752704
elapsed ns: 60001465937, elapsed ticks: 168422905017, ns_diff: -70335
输出显示每 ns的viewRates
TSC 滴答随着时间的推移而迅速下降,对应于上图中的急剧下降之一。linearExtrapolator
与在 OP 中一样,输出显示由 报告的经过的 ns 与通过使用在开始时获得的 == 2.8069831264clock_gettime()
将经过的 TSC 滴答声转换为经过的 ns 获得的经过的 ns 之间的差异。_ticks_per_ns
我不是在 , , 的每次sleep(10);
打印之间进行一次计算elapsed ns
,而是使用 10 秒的窗口重新运行每 ns 的 TSC 滴答计算;这将打印出当前比率。可以看出,从输出观察到的每 ns TSC 滴答数减少的趋势在整个运行过程中都在持续。elapsed ticks
tsc ticks per ns
除以和减去相应的得到elapsed ticks
,例如:(84211534141 / 2.8069831264) - 30000747550 = -20667。但这不是 0,主要是由于每 ns 的 TSC 滴答数的漂移。如果我们使用从最后 10 秒间隔获得的每 ns 2.80698015186 个滴答的值,则结果将是:(84211534141 / 2.80698015186) - 30000747550 = 11125。在最后 10 秒间隔期间累积的额外误差 -20667 - -10419 = - 10248,当正确的 TSC 每 ns 滴答值用于该间隔时几乎消失:(84211534141 - 56141027929) / 2.80698015186 - (30000747550 - 20000496849) = 349。_ticks_per_ns
elapsed ns
如果在每 ns 的 TSC 滴答数恒定时运行了 linearExtrapolator,则准确性将受到(常数)_ticks_per_ns
被确定的程度的限制,然后采取例如几个估计的中值是值得的. 如果_ticks_per_ns
偏离固定的十亿分之 40,则预计每 10 秒会有大约 400ns 的恒定漂移,因此每 10 秒ns_diff
会增长/缩小 400。
genTimeSeriesofRates.cc 可用于为上面的图生成数据:genTimeSeriesofRates.cc:
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include "rdtscp.h"
using std::cout; using std::cerr; using std::endl; using std::array;
double get_ticks_per_ns(long &ticks, long &ns); // Get median tsc ticks per ns, ticks and ns.
long ts_to_ns(const timespec &ts);
#define CLOCK CLOCK_REALTIME // clock_gettime() clock to use.
#define TIMESTEP 10
#define NSTEPS 10000
#define RUNS 5 // Number of RUNS and SLEEP interval used for each sample in get_ticks_per_ns().
#define SLEEP 1
int main() {
timespec ts;
clock_getres(CLOCK, &ts);
cerr << "CLOCK resolution: " << ts_to_ns(ts) << "ns\n";
clock_gettime(CLOCK, &ts);
int start_time = ts.tv_sec;
double ticks_per_ns;
int running_elapsed_time = 0; //approx secs since start_time to center of the sampling done by get_ticks_per_ns()
long ticks, ns;
for (int timestep = 0; timestep < NSTEPS; ++timestep) {
clock_gettime(CLOCK, &ts);
ticks_per_ns = get_ticks_per_ns(ticks, ns);
running_elapsed_time = ts.tv_sec - start_time + RUNS * SLEEP / 2;
cout << running_elapsed_time << ' ' << ticks << ' ' << ns << ' '
<< std::setprecision(12) << ticks_per_ns << endl;
double get_ticks_per_ns(long &ticks, long &ns) {
// get the median over RUNS runs of elapsed tsc ticks, CLOCK ns, and their ratio over a SLEEP secs time interval
timespec clock_start, clock_end;
long tsc_start, tsc_end;
array<long, RUNS> elapsed_ns, elapsed_ticks;
array<double, RUNS> rates; // arrays from each run from which to get medians.
for (int i = 0; i < RUNS; ++i) {
clock_gettime(CLOCK, &clock_start);
tsc_start = rdtscp_end(); // minimizes time between clock_start and tsc_start.
clock_gettime(CLOCK, &clock_end);
tsc_end = rdtscp_end();
elapsed_ticks[i] = tsc_end - tsc_start;
elapsed_ns[i] = ts_to_ns(clock_end) - ts_to_ns(clock_start);
rates[i] = static_cast<double>(elapsed_ticks[i]) / elapsed_ns[i];
// get medians:
std::nth_element(elapsed_ns.begin(), elapsed_ns.begin() + RUNS/2, elapsed_ns.end());
std::nth_element(elapsed_ticks.begin(), elapsed_ticks.begin() + RUNS/2, elapsed_ticks.end());
std::nth_element(rates.begin(), rates.begin() + RUNS/2, rates.end());
ticks = elapsed_ticks[RUNS/2];
ns = elapsed_ns[RUNS/2];
return rates[RUNS/2];
constexpr long BILLION {1000000000};
long ts_to_ns(const timespec &ts) {
return ts.tv_sec * BILLION + ts.tv_nsec;