首先,将名字和姓氏触发器变成可观察对象。在下面的代码中,我使用了主题,但如果您能够使用静态 Observable 方法将它们“转换”为可观察对象,那就更好了;例如Observable.FromEvent
然后将获取结果的代码转换为 observable。在下面的代码中,我曾经Observable.Create
最后,您可以使用 Switch 运算符订阅每个新的 GetResults 调用并取消之前对 GetResults 的调用。
private Subject<string> _firstName = new Subject<string>();
private Subject<string> _lastName = new Subject<string>();
private Task<IEnumerable<string>> FetchResults(string firstName, string lastName, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// Fetch the results, respecting the cancellation token at the earliest opportunity
return Task.FromResult(Enumerable.Empty<string>());
private IObservable<IEnumerable<string>> GetResults(string firstName, string lastName)
return Observable.Create<IEnumerable<string>>(
async observer =>
// Use a cancellation disposable to provide a cancellation token the the asynchronous method
// When the subscription to this observable is disposed, the cancellation token will be cancelled.
CancellationDisposable disposable = new CancellationDisposable();
IEnumerable<string> results = await FetchResults(firstName, lastName, disposable.Token);
if (!disposable.IsDisposed)
return disposable;
private void UpdateGrid(IEnumerable<string> results)
// Do whatever
private IDisposable ShouldUpdateGridWhenFirstOrLastNameChanges()
return Observable
// Whenever the first or last name changes, create a tuple of the first and last name
.CombineLatest(_firstName, _lastName, (firstName, lastName) => new { FirstName = firstName, LastName = lastName })
// Throttle these tuples so we only get a value after it has settled for 100ms
// Select the results as an observable
.Select(tuple => GetResults(tuple.FirstName, tuple.LastName))
// Subscribe to the new results and cancel any previous subscription
// Use the new results to update the grid
快速提示:您确实应该将显式调度程序传递给 Throttle,以便您可以使用 TestScheduler 有效地对该代码进行单元测试。