请帮助我理解 Android Studio 中 build.gradle 中的 ldFlags('-c') 是什么意思?

参考示例:https ://github.com/googlesamples/android-ndk/blob/a498a7809cb7c9ec576b95e797edc4e64777ea00/MoreTeapots/nativeactivity/build.gradle


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当您运行 clang llvm 编译器的帮助时:“clang++”,如下所示:

clang++ -help,您将看到可以传递的可能参数:

OVERVIEW: clang LLVM compiler

USAGE: clang++ [options] <inputs>

  -###                    Print (but do not run) the commands to run 
for this compilation
  --analyze               Run the static analyzer
                          Emit ARC errors even if the migrator can     fix them
  -arcmt-migrate-report-output <value>
                          Output path for the plist report
  --cuda-device-only      Do device-side CUDA compilation only
  --cuda-host-only        Do host-side CUDA compilation only
  --cuda-path=<value>     CUDA installation path
  -cxx-isystem <directory>
                          Add directory to the C++ SYSTEM include         search path
  -c                      Only run preprocess, compile, and assemble steps

如您所见,-c 标志的解释是:仅运行预处理、编译和组装步骤

于 2017-07-18T13:49:57.433 回答