Feature: list video in stored
Given I have the following videos
| title | format |
| Running Central Park in the Fall | BluRay |
| Running Glacier Park in the Spring | Download |
| Running Balboa Park in the Winter | DVD |
Scenario: list videos in stored
When I am on the "video" page
Then I should see "Running Central Park in the Fall"
Then I should see "Running Glacier Park in the Spring"
Then I should see "Running Balboa Park in the Winter"
Scenario: Page links
When I view all videos from page "1"
Then I should not see "Cycling Utah in the Spring"
Then I should not see "Touring Utah in the Spring"
Then I should see "Previous"
Then I should see "1"
Then I should see "2"
Then I should see "Next"
Scenario: Show a message when there is no video
When I am on the "video" page
Then I should see "No videos"