以下是在 VB.NET 中执行此操作的一些不同方法。它包括 4 种不同的 IEnumerable 中间形式:Array、Tuple、Anonymous 和 KeyValuePair。对于 C# 等效项,请访问 converter.telerik dot com 并对其进行转换。
Dim nvc As New NameValueCollection() From {{"E", "55"}, {"A", "11"}, {"D", "44"}, {"C", "33"}, {"G", "66"}, {"B", "22"}}
Dim dictStrings As Dictionary(Of String, String) = nvc.Cast(Of String).ToDictionary(Function(key) key, Function(key) nvc(key))
Dim Ints2Chars__ As Dictionary(Of Integer, Char) = nvc.Cast(Of Object).ToDictionary(Function(key) CInt(nvc(CStr(key))), Function(key) CChar(key))
Dim arrEnumerable__ = From x In nvc.Cast(Of String) Select {x, nvc(x)}
Dim tupleEnumerable = From x In nvc.Cast(Of String) Select Tuple.Create(x, nvc(x))
Dim anonEnumerable_ = From X In nvc.Cast(Of String) Select New With {X, .Y = nvc(X)}
Dim kvpEnumerable__ = From x In nvc.Cast(Of String) Select New KeyValuePair(Of String, String)(x, nvc(x))
Dim anonQuery = From anon In anonEnumerable_ Let n = CInt(anon.Y) Order By n Where n > 30 Select New With {.num = n, .val = anon.X}
Dim dictQuery = anonQuery.ToDictionary(Of Integer, String)(Function(o) o.num, Function(o) o.val)
Dim dictArray_ = arrEnumerable__.ToDictionary(Function(x) x(0), Function(x) x(1))
Dim dictTuples = tupleEnumerable.ToDictionary(Function(tuple) tuple.Item1, Function(tuple) tuple.Item2)
Dim dictAnon__ = anonEnumerable_.ToDictionary(Function(anon) anon.X, Function(anon) anon.Y)
Dim dictKVPrs_ = kvpEnumerable__.ToDictionary(Function(kvp) kvp.Key, Function(kvp) kvp.Value)