不清楚如果我在 C++0x 中删除一个虚方法会发生什么:

 virtual int derive_func() = delete;



2 回答 2


http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2007/n2326.html#delete A deleted virtual function may not override a non-deleted virtual function and vice-versa. 意味着它非常没用(至少我读过它)唯一有效的用途是:

struct A{
     virtual void b() = delete;
struct B:A{
     virtual void b() = delete;



于 2010-10-11T22:33:54.927 回答

flynt 是对的,但我想指出的是,在最终的 C++11 草案(N3337)中,相应的语言已移至第 10.3#16 节:


对我来说(第 8.4.3#1 节)似乎相当清楚,删除的定义实际上算作定义,实际上是内联定义,这意味着删除的定义满足 10.3#11:


However, it seems that current implementations disagree. Here's my test case:

struct Base {
    virtual void bar();
    virtual void foo() = delete;

void Base::bar() { }  // a definition of the first non-inline virtual function
int main() { Base b; }
  • Clang produces an unlinkable program: Base::foo is mentioned in the vtable for Base. And if you swap the order of foo and bar, the linker complains that the entire vtable is missing (because Clang thinks foo is a non-inline function with no definition). I filed this as a bug; we'll see what the developers think.

  • GCC complains about a "use" of foo at the end of the translation unit, when it creates the vtable; but it does correctly identify bar as the first non-inline virtual member function, no matter the order of foo and bar.

于 2012-08-24T00:59:18.570 回答