有问题的工作簿有两个基于单独数据的数据透视表,我已经制定了(大部分)逻辑,用于检查是否有任何切片器甚至应用了过滤器,如果是,则选择了哪些值。我也有关于 Before_DoubleClick & Worksheet_Activate 操作的逻辑,它让宏知道正在发生钻取(排除,因为我之前使用过代码并且知道它有效)。
Sub Filter_Drill_Down(SourceSheet As Worksheet, Drill_Down_Sheet As Worksheet)
Dim Slicer_Column As String
Dim Selected_Values As String
Dim Selected_Cnt As Long
Dim Total_Values As Long
Dim All_Slicers As SlicerCaches
Dim SCache As SlicerCache
Dim Slicer_Obj As Slicer
Dim S_Item As SlicerItem
Dim DDS_Row As Long
Dim No_Match As Boolean
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'Capture all the slicers in the workbook (since they're not natively sheet specific)
Set All_Slicers = ThisWorkbook.SlicerCaches
'Iterate through the slicer caches
For Each SCache In All_Slicers
'Check if the current cache has a Slicer Object on the source sheet
For Each Slicer_Obj In SCache.Slicers
If Slicer_Obj.Shape.Parent Is SourceSheet Then
'In order to prevent wasting time applying filters for slicers where no filtering occurs, we'll first check how many items are selected. Reset the counters to make
'sure we don't miscount, and clear Selected_Values so we don't include incorrect values
Selected_Cnt = 0
Total_Values = 0
Selected_Values = ""
For Each S_Item In SCache.SlicerItems
If S_Item.Selected Then
'Current item is selected, increment the selected count & add the value to the selected values string. That way if we do need to filter we can just check if
' a row's value for the relevant column is in the string & delete rows where that's not true
Selected_Cnt = Selected_Cnt + 1
Selected_Values = Selected_Values & "|" & S_Item.Name & "|"
End If 'else the item isn't selected, just need to increment the total count which happens anyway
Total_Values = Total_Values + 1
'Check if the total = selected
If Total_Values > Selected_Cnt Then
'We actually need to filter. The first step in that is knowing which column to check
Slicer_Column = "A"
No_Match = True
'Find the matching column
Do While Drill_Down_Sheet.Range(Slicer_Column & 1).Value <> "" And No_Match
'Check if the header for the current column is the one we're looking for
If Drill_Down_Sheet.Range(Slicer_Column & 1).Value = <X> Then'HERE'S WHERE I NEED HELP
No_Match = False
'Move to the next column
Slicer_Column = ColNumToStr(ColStrToNum(Slicer_Column) + 1) 'ColNumToStr converts a # to it's letter equivalent (i.e. 27 = AA) & ColStrToNum does the inverse
End If
'Iterate through the rows. Column A is ALWAYS filled, so use it to control the loop
DDS_Row = 2
Do While Drill_Down_Sheet.Range("A" & DDS_Row).Value <> ""
'Check the value in the target column against the selected items string
If InStr(1, Selected_Values, "|" & Drill_Down_Sheet.Range(Slicer_Column & DDS_Row).Value & "|") = 0 Then
'Value isn't selected, delete the row. Note: Since this will make what had been row DDS_Row + 1 into row DDS_Row, we do NOT increment DDS_Row
Drill_Down_Sheet.Range(DDS_Row & ":" & DDS_Row).Delete xlShiftUp
'Not a filtered value, move to the next row
DDS_Row = DDS_Row + 1
End If
End If 'all the values are selected, which means none are filtered, so do nothing
End If 'else the slicer does not appear on the Source_Sheet, meaning it's not one that applies to the pivot table being drilled into. Just move to the next cache
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub