$("#tableID").toolbarButtonAdd("#t_tableID",{caption:"",position:"first",title:"Refresh", align:"right", buttonicon :'ui-icon-refresh', onClickButton:function(){ $("#tableID").trigger("reloadGrid"); } })
$("#tableID").toolbarLabelAdd("#t_tableID", { caption: "0 Selected", position: "first", title: "", align: "right", id: 'lblSelectedRows' });
$("#tableID").toolbarAncherAdd("#t_tableID", { caption: "Select All", title: "Select All", id: 'btnSelectAll', onClickButton: function() { selectAllRecords(true); } });
* The toolbar has the following properties
* id of top toolbar: t_<tablename>
* id of bottom toolbar: tb_<tablename>
* class of toolbar: ui-userdata
* elem is the toolbar name to which button needs to be added. This can be
* #t_tablename - if button needs to be added to the top toolbar
* #tb_tablename - if button needs to be added to the bottom toolbar
toolbarButtonAdd: function(elem, p) {
p = $.extend({
caption: "newButton",
title: '',
buttonicon: 'ui-icon-newwin',
onClickButton: null,
position: "last"
}, p || {});
var $elem = $(elem);
var tableString = "<table style='float:left;table-layout:auto;' cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" class='ui-toolbar-table'>";
tableString += "<tbody> <tr></tr></table>";
//console.log("In toolbar button add method");
* Step 1: check whether a table is already added. If not add
* Step 2: If there is no table already added then add a table
* Step 3: Make the element ready for addition to the table
* Step 4: Check the position and corresponding add the element
* Step 5: Add other properties
//step 1
return this.each(function() {
if (!this.grid) { return; }
if (elem.indexOf("#") != 0) {
elem = "#" + elem;
//step 2
if ($(elem).children('table').length === 0) {
//step 3
var tbd = $("<td style=\"padding-left:1px;padding-right:1px\"></td>");
$(tbd).addClass('ui-toolbar-button ui-corner-all').append("<div class='ui-toolbar-div'><span class='ui-icon " + p.buttonicon + "'></span>" + "<span>" + p.caption + "</span>" + "</div>").attr("title", p.title || "")
.click(function(e) {
if ($.isFunction(p.onClickButton)) { p.onClickButton(); }
return false;
function() { $(this).addClass("ui-state-hover"); },
function() { $(this).removeClass("ui-state-hover"); }
if (p.id) { $(tbd).attr("id", p.id); }
if (p.align) { $(elem).attr("align", p.align); }
var findnav = $(elem).children('table');
if (p.position === 'first') {
if ($(findnav).find('td').length === 0) {
$("tr", findnav).append(tbd);
} else {
$("tr td:eq(0)", findnav).before(tbd);
} else {
//console.log("not first");
$("tr", findnav).append(tbd);
toolbarLabelAdd: function(elem, p) {
p = $.extend({
caption: "newLabel",
title: '',
id: '',
position: "last"
}, p || {});
var $elem = $(elem);
var tableString = "<table style='float:left;table-layout:auto;' cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" class='ui-toolbar-table'>";
tableString += "<tbody> <tr></tr></table>";
* Step 1: check whether a table is already added. If not add
* Step 2: If there is no table already added then add a table
* Step 3: Make the element ready for addition to the table
* Step 4: Check the position and corresponding add the element
* Step 5: Add other properties
//step 1
return this.each(function() {
if (!this.grid) { return; }
if (elem.indexOf("#") != 0) {
elem = "#" + elem;
//step 2
if ($(elem).children('table').length === 0) {
//step 3
var tbd = $("<td style=\"padding-left:1px;padding-right:1px\"></td>");
$(tbd).addClass('ui-corner-all').append("<div class='ui-toolbar-lbl'><span>" + p.caption + "</span>" + "</div>").attr("title", p.title || "");
if (p.id) { $(tbd).attr("id", p.id); }
if (p.align) { $(elem).attr("align", p.align); }
var findnav = $(elem).children('table');
if (p.position === 'first') {
if ($(findnav).find('td').length === 0) {
$("tr", findnav).append(tbd);
} else {
$("tr td:eq(0)", findnav).before(tbd);
} else {
$("tr", findnav).append(tbd);
toolbarAncherAdd: function(elem, p) {
p = $.extend({
caption: "newButton",
title: '',
id: '',
buttonicon: '',
buttonclass : '',
onClickButton: null,
position: "last"
}, p || {});
var $elem = $(elem);
var tableString = "<table style='float:left;table-layout:auto;' cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" class='ui-toolbar-table'>";
tableString += "<tbody> <tr></tr></table>";
* Step 1: check whether a table is already added. If not add
* Step 2: If there is no table already added then add a table
* Step 3: Make the element ready for addition to the table
* Step 4: Check the position and corresponding add the element
* Step 5: Add other properties
//step 1
return this.each(function() {
if (!this.grid) { return; }
if (elem.indexOf("#") != 0) {
elem = "#" + elem;
//step 2
if ($(elem).children('table').length === 0) {
//step 3
var tbd = $("<td style=\"padding-left:1px;padding-right:1px\"></td>"),
iconClass = p.buttonicon.length === 0 ? "" : "<span class='ui-icon " + p.buttonicon + "'></span>";
$(tbd).addClass('ui-toolbar-button ui-corner-all').append("<a class='ui-toolbar-a " + p.buttonClass + "'>" + iconClass + "<span>" + p.caption + "</span>" + "</a>").attr("title", p.title || "")
.click(function(e) {
if ($.isFunction(p.onClickButton)) { p.onClickButton(); }
return false;
if (p.id) { $(tbd).attr("id", p.id); }
if (p.align) { $(elem).attr("align", p.align); }
var findnav = $(elem).children('table');
if (p.position === 'first') {
if ($(findnav).find('td').length === 0) {
$("tr", findnav).append(tbd);
} else {
$("tr td:eq(0)", findnav).before(tbd);
} else {
//console.log("not first");
$("tr", findnav).append(tbd);