

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/msg.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <errno.h>

#include "linkedlist.h"
#include "globals.h"
#include "card.h"
#include "logging.h"
#include "stack.h"
#include "servers.h"
#include "player.h"

#define VERSION "0.1"

#define ERR -1

 * Main function runs, loads 5 named table objects. For each table
 * created a fork is created for that specific table object that
 * allows each table to run independently.
 * Usernames details are also created and prepared. These are hardcoded
 * until I add database logic later.
 * After the tables are prepared, the main function starts a server
 * listening thread that waits for UNIX sockets to connect to it. When
 * they arrive it spawns a handling thread that does a quick login check
 * and then asks the user which of the named tables they want to play on
 * The socket information is then connected to the table, so the table can
 * then communicate with user. When the table is full, the table algorithm
 * is responcible for basically looping contineously, creating new "games"
 * until only one player is left. He is the winner. When he wins, the table
 * exits.
 * the game loop does all the real work for the texas holdem game, hosting
 * rounds of bets, dealing cards etc.

void table_process(int tables_id);
void main_game_loop(void);

int main(int argc, char **argv)
  int main_process_id;
  int connection_process_id;

  char table_config_name[8];
  char *table_name;
  stack *my_deck;
  card *current_card;
  int i;
  int s;

  printf("------------ PRT POKER -----------\nA texas holdem poker server\n~~~~Version: %s~~~~~~~\n", VERSION);


  if (key = ftok("/mnt/mydocuments/git/texas_holdem/poker", 'a') == -1)
    logging_critical("Call to ftok failed");

//  if ((msg_queue = msgget(key, 0644 | IPC_CREAT)) == -1)
//  {
//    logging_critical("call to msgget failed");
//    exit(1);
//  }

  //read int the list of tables from the configuration file

  config_get_int("players_per_table", &player_count);
  logging_info("players per table: %i", *player_count);

  config_get_int("table_count", &table_count);
  logging_info("number of tables: %i", *table_count);

  table_names = malloc(sizeof(char*) * (*table_count));

  logging_info("Table count: %d", *table_count);

  for (i = 0; i < *table_count; i++)
    sprintf(table_config_name, "table_%d", (i + 1));  
    config_get_string(table_config_name, &table_name);

    table_names[i] = table_name;

    logging_info("Created table %d: %s", i, table_name);

    if (fork() == 0)

  main_process_id = getpid();

  connection_process_id = fork();
  logging_info("connecton process: %d", connection_process_id);

  if (connection_process_id == 0)
    waitpid(connection_process_id, &s, 0);

  logging_info("Application ended");
  return 0;

void table_process(int table_id)
  linkedlist *players;
  player *p;
  int players_added;

  if ((msg_queue = msgget(key, 0644 | IPC_CREAT)) == -1)
    logging_critical("call to msgget failed");

  logging_info("table %s (%i) running in process %d", table_names[table_id], table_id, getpid());

  players = linkedlist_new();

  players_added = *player_count;
  while (players_added > 0)
    logging_info("still waiting for %i players to join %s with queue id %i", players_added, table_names[table_id], table_id + MSG_QUEUE_OFFSET);

    if (msgrcv(msg_queue, &p, sizeof(player), table_id + MSG_QUEUE_OFFSET, 0) == -1)
      logging_critical("recieving from message queue failed");
      logging_info("played joined %s", table_names[table_id]);

    logging_debug("player = %s, %s", p->name, p->password);


  logging_info("table %s ready to start!!!!!", table_names[table_id]);

void main_game_loop(void)

该程序应该启动并分叉成 4 个线程。前三个线程调用 msgget() 来创建系统 V 消息队列。

然后他们都调用 msgrcv() 并等待不同的 id 出现。

第四个线程侦听连接的客户端,然后调用 msgsnd()。出于某种原因,没有一个等待消息的分叉再次醒来。

  1. 我确定消息队列是正确的。

  2. 我在 msgsrcv 之前有一个打印语句,所以我可以看到每个语句的分叉都正确发生。之后还有一个打印语句,所以我可以看到代码没有通过它。

  3. 我已经从命令提示符运行了 ipcs。

  4. 肯定创建了一个消息队列,并且其中肯定有一条消息。

  5. 如果我将 msgrcv 更改为“0”,那么其中一个线程将唤醒,但这不是我想要的行为。

  6. msgget() 不会引发错误。

  7. msgsnd() 没有抛出错误。

  8. 我很肯定结构中的 id 是正确的。



1 回答 1


至少有一件事是错误的:您已将“p”声明为指向播放器的指针,并且在将其传递给 msgrcv 时再次获取了它的地址。更重要的是,您传递的大小很可能对于指针来说太大了(即 sizeof(player) > sizeof(player*))。堆栈损坏等待发生。

或者,尝试使用 strace(在 Linux 上;在 Solaris 上使用 truss)实时查看发生了什么。

于 2008-12-23T20:26:27.847 回答