container.Resolve<IService>(*** here specify the runtime type of the implementation ***)
using System;
using DryIoc;
namespace DryIoc_example
interface IService { }
class ServiceImpl_1 : IService { }
class ServiceImpl_2 : IService { }
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var container = new Container();
// register my implementations of IService
// this could be done at runtime using
// container.Register(typeof(IService), typeof(ServiceImpl_1));
container.Register<IService, ServiceImpl_1>();
container.Register<IService, ServiceImpl_2>();
// now, i want the container to resolve a specific
// implementation of IService ( ServiceImpl_2 in this case)
// this line doesn't work and throws
var myService = container.Resolve<IService>(typeof(ServiceImpl_2));
// this line is expected to print the type of ServiceImpl_2
Unable to resolve DryIoc_example.IService {RequiredServiceType=DryIoc_example.ServiceImpl_2}
Where CurrentScope: null
and ResolutionScope: null
and Found registrations:
DefaultKey.Of(0),{ID=20, ImplType=DryIoc_example.ServiceImpl_1}}
DefaultKey.Of(1),{ID=21, ImplType=DryIoc_example.ServiceImpl_2}}
我知道我可以获得接口的所有注册实现并过滤具有我想要的实现的接口(使用DryIoc 的维护者类似于此响应https://stackoverflow.com/a/37069854/5767019的代码),但是当我要求它时,我想不出一种方法让容器解决它!