我建议打开声纳。我的个人资料页面上有 3 个活动链接。因此,我创建了一些辅助表(也可以在这些链接中看到)来帮助打开声纳以查看您的事件中发生了什么。请注意,您可以像我在这些链接中所做的那样扩展它以进行性能跟踪。
DROP EVENT IF EXISTS move_to_archive_category;
CREATE EVENT move_to_archive_category
ON SCHEDULE EVERY 1 MINUTE STARTS '2015-09-01 00:00:00'
DECLARE incarnationId int default 0;
DECLARE evtAlias varchar(20);
SET evtAlias:='move_2_archive';
INSERT incarnations(usedBy) VALUES (evtAlias);
INSERT EvtsLog(incarnationId,evtName,step,debugMsg,dtWhenLogged)
SELECT incarnationId,evtAlias,1,'Event Fired, begin looking',now();
INSERT INTO `oc_product_to_category` (product_id, category_id)
SELECT product_id, 68 as category_id
FROM oc_product p WHERE p.event_end < NOW() AND p.event_end <> '0000-00-00';
-- perhaps collect metrics for above insert and use that in debugMsg below
-- perhaps with a CONCAT into a msg
INSERT EvtsLog(incarnationId,evtName,step,debugMsg,dtWhenLogged)
SELECT incarnationId,evtAlias,10,'INSERT finished',now();
-- pretend there is more stuff
-- ...
-- ...
INSERT EvtsLog(incarnationId,evtName,step,debugMsg,dtWhenLogged)
SELECT incarnationId,evtAlias,99,'Event Finished',now();
END $$
create table oc_product_to_category
( product_id INT not null,
category_id INT not null
create table oc_product
( product_id INT not null,
event_end datetime not null
drop table if exists incarnations;
create table incarnations
( -- NoteA
-- a control table used to feed incarnation id's to events that want performance reporting.
-- The long an short of it, insert a row here merely to acquire an auto_increment id
id int auto_increment primary key,
usedBy varchar(50) not null
-- could use other columns perhaps, like how used or a datetime
-- but mainly it feeds back an auto_increment
-- the usedBy column is like a dummy column just to be fed a last_insert_id()
-- but the insert has to insert something, so we use usedBy
drop table if exists EvtsLog;
create table EvtsLog
( id int auto_increment primary key,
incarnationId int not null, -- See NoteA (above)
evtName varchar(20) not null, -- allows for use of this table by multiple events
step int not null, -- facilitates reporting on event level performance
debugMsg varchar(1000) not null,
dtWhenLogged datetime not null
-- tweak this with whatever indexes your can bear to have
-- run maintenance on this table to rid it of unwanted rows periodically
-- as it impacts performance. So, dog the rows out to an archive table or whatever.
show variables where variable_name='event_scheduler'; -- OFF currently
SET GLOBAL event_scheduler = ON; -- turn her on
SHOW EVENTS in so_gibberish; -- confirm
确认 Evt 正在触发:
SELECT * FROM EvtsLog WHERE step=1 ORDER BY id DESC; -- verify with our sonar

您还将注意到,在您最初关注的实际表中包含任何数据时,这无关紧要。这可以稍后出现,并且可以通过在字符串变量中执行自定义字符串 CONCAT(用于计数等)来在 evt 日志表中报告。并在第 10 步或第 20 步等步骤中报告。