我正在编写一个使用 Xamarin.Forms 跨 android 和 IOS 运行的程序,以下两个代码版本都可以在 android 上运行,但是当第二个版本在 IOS 上运行时抛出 ExecutionEngineException 但第一个版本可以运行。
protected static object ReadStruct(BinaryReader reader, Type structType, ChunkHeader chunkHeader)
int size = Marshal.SizeOf(structType);
if (size != chunkHeader.chunkSize) // check the actual size of this chunk object with the expected size from the stream
throw new IOException("Invalid file format, incorrect " + chunkHeader.chunkName + " chunk size (exp.: " + size + ", read: " + chunkHeader.chunkSize + ")");
byte[] data = reader.ReadBytes(size);
IntPtr buffer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(size);
Marshal.Copy(data, 0, buffer, size);
// the line that crashes follows this
object structObject = Marshal.PtrToStructure(buffer, structType);
return structObject;
public struct OvdBChunk
// stuff in here but not important
public class OvdBChunk : OvdAChunk
// stuff in here but not important
structType 部分是顶部代码片段中正在更改的部分。
. 以及有关如何修复它的任何想法?