我正在尝试创建一个更新我的 csv 文本文件的函数。我已经拥有的文本文件里面有数据。我只想更改所选数据行之一中的值之一。我有点困惑在这里做什么。当我尝试打印出 newInventory.numInstock 时,它给了我内存地址。如何让它显示文本文件值?我知道我需要阅读旧文件,然后将我需要的内容复制到新文件中。有人可以帮我解决这个问题吗?
我的问题是如何让它修改 numInStock?我希望能够用这个功能改变它。
/*here's my structure*/
struct inventory_s
int productNumber;
float mfrPrice;
float retailPrice;
int numInStock;// 4th column
char liveInv;
char productName[PRODUCTNAME_SZ +1];
/* My text file looks something like: */
1000,1.49,3.79,10,0,Fish Food
5000,2.40,5.95,10,0,Dog Collar Large
6000,49.99,129.99,3,1,Dalmation Puppy
/*Here's my function so far*/
int updateStock(void)
struct inventory_s newInventory;
int productNumber;
char line[50];
FILE* originalFile = fopen("stuff.txt", "r"); //opens and reads file
FILE* NewFile = fopen("stuffCopy.txt", "w"); //opens and writes file
if(originalFile == NULL || NewFile == NULL)
printf("Could not open data file\n");
return -1;
printf(" Please enter the product number to modify:");
scanf(" %i", &productNumber);
printf("Current value is %i; please enter new value:", &newInventory.numInStock );
while(fgets(line, sizeof(line), originalFile) != NULL)
sscanf(line, "%d,%*f,%*f,%i", &newInventory.productNumber, &newInventory.mfrPrice, &newInventory.retailPrice, &newInventory.numInStock);
if (productNumber == newInventory.productNumber)
fputs(line, NewFile);
//fscanf(NewFile, "%s", &newInventory.productName);
printf(" %i",newInventory.numInStock);
// remove("stuff.txt");
//rename("stuffCopy.txt", "inventory.txt");
return 0;