
不是一个问题。只是分享。抱歉,如果这是错误的地点和/或方法,但我从这些论坛中学到了很多东西,只是想回馈一点,以防其他人喜欢尝试学习 PS,甚至在 PS 中做一些基本有用的事情。抱歉,但我不得不通过编辑器运行脚本。无论如何,它是:

#  File:    DFSR-check-3-show-backlog.ps1
#  Desc:    Simple monitor of DFSR backlog.
#  Vers   Date      Who Description
#  ----   ----      --- -----------
#  v0.01  11-Aug-2016   sdo Initial draft, based on commands from BM.
#  v0.02  12-Aug-2016   sdo Use "Out-String" to trim the blank lines of the table.
#  v0.03  12-Aug-2016   sdo Extract count from verbose output if "100" items are returned.
#  v0.04  12-Aug-2016   sdo Write to a log file.
#  v0.05  12-Aug-2016   sdo Only display when different or every 100 entries.
#  v0.06  12-Aug-2016   sdo Same layout and counter as other two scripts.
#  v0.07  12-Aug-2016   sdo If the return backlog value is "", make it "0".
#  v0.08  12-Aug-2016   sdo If display is "0,0", make it "-", which is easier to see activity.
#  v0.09  12-Aug-2016   sdo Round anything > 100 to units of 100.
#  v0.10  12-Aug-2016   sdo Use a function so that display updates less often.

# Functions...

Function fn_count( $p1 ) {
  $return = [string]$p1
  if ( $return -eq "" ) {Return "0"}
  if ( fn_is_numeric( $return ) ) {
    $number = [int]$return
    switch ($number) {
    {$_ -ge 100}  {$return = $(([math]::Round($_ / 100)) * 100) ; $return=[string]$return+"+" ; Return $return }
    {$_ -ge   1}  {Return "<100" }
    {$_ -eq   0}  {Return    "0" }
  Return $return

Function fn_display_header {
  "           Disp    Cnt  AppAxx          AppBxxxWorking  AppCxxxx        AppKxx          AppTxxxFiles"
  "          =====  =====  ======          ==============  ========        ======          ============"

Function fn_is_numeric( $p1 ) {
  Return ( $( $p1.Trim() ) -Match "^[-+]?([0-9]*\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+\.?)$" )

# Main code...

$script_spec = $PSCommandPath
$script_path = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName(            $script_spec         )
$script_name = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension( $script_spec         )
$script_log  = [System.IO.Path]::ChangeExtension(             $script_spec, ".log" )

$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = $script_name

$line    = ""
$z_count = 0
$z_lines = 0

fn_display_header | Out-File $script_log -Append

while ($true) {
  $prev = $line

  if ( ($z_count % 100) -eq 0) {$prev = ""}

# Establish whether DFSR is up/enabled/available, or unknown...

  $set = $( DFSRDiag backlog /rgname:AppAxx         /rfname:AppAxx         /sendingmember:ZZZPAAACSFT001 /receivingmember:ZZZPAAACSFT002 )
  if ($LastExitCode -eq 0) {$AppAxx_Diag = "ok"} else {$AppAxx_Diag = "UNKNOWN"}

  $set = $( DFSRDiag backlog /rgname:AppBxxxWorking /rfname:AppBxxxWorking /sendingmember:ZZZPAAACSFT001 /receivingmember:ZZZPAAACSFT002 )
  if ($LastExitCode -eq 0) {$AppBxxxWorking_Diag = "ok"} else {$AppBxxxWorking_Diag = "UNKNOWN"}

  $set = $( DFSRDiag backlog /rgname:AppCxxxx       /rfname:AppCxxxx       /sendingmember:ZZZPAAACSFT001 /receivingmember:ZZZPAAACSFT002 )
  if ($LastExitCode -eq 0) {$AppCxxxx_Diag = "ok"} else {$AppCxxxx_Diag = "UNKNOWN"}

  $set = $( DFSRDiag backlog /rgname:AppKxx         /rfname:AppKxx         /sendingmember:ZZZPAAACSFT001 /receivingmember:ZZZPAAACSFT002 )
  if ($LastExitCode -eq 0) {$AppKxx_Diag = "ok"} else {$AppKxx_Diag = "UNKNOWN"}

  $set = $( DFSRDiag backlog /rgname:AppTxxxFiles   /rfname:AppTxxxFiles   /sendingmember:ZZZPAAACSTA003 /receivingmember:ZZZPAAACSTA004 )
  if ($LastExitCode -eq 0) {$AppTxxxFiles_Diag = "ok"} else {$AppTxxxFiles_Diag = "UNKNOWN"}

# Get DFSR back-log counts, from both sides... or report the "unknown" from the diagnostics...

  if ($AppAxx_Diag -eq "ok") {
    $verbose = $( $set = $(Get-DFSRBackLog -Verbose -SourceComputerName ZZZPAAACSFT001 -DestinationComputerName ZZZPAAACSFT002 -GroupName AppAxx -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select FullPathname ) ) 4>&1
    if ($?) {$count = [string]$set.Count} else {$count = "ERROR"}
    if ($count -ne "ERROR") {
      if ($count -ne "100") { $count = fn_count( $count ) } else {
        $verbose = [string]$verbose ; $count = $verbose.Split(" ")[-1] ; $count = fn_count($count) } }
    $AppAxx_Display = $count

    $verbose = $( $set = $(Get-DFSRBackLog -Verbose -SourceComputerName ZZZPAAACSFT002 -DestinationComputerName ZZZPAAACSFT001 -GroupName AppAxx -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select FullPathname ) ) 4>&1
    if ($?) {$count = [string]$set.Count} else {$count = "ERROR"}
    if ($count -ne "ERROR") {
      if ($count -ne "100") { $count = fn_count( $count ) } else {
        $verbose = [string]$verbose ; $count = $verbose.Split(" ")[-1] ; $count = fn_count($count) } }
    $AppAxx_Display = $AppAxx_Display + "," + $count
  } else {
    $AppAxx_Display = $AppAxx_Diag

  if ($AppBxxxWorking_Diag -eq "ok") {
    $verbose = $( $set = $( Get-DFSRBackLog -Verbose -SourceComputerName ZZZPAAACSFT001 -DestinationComputerName ZZZPAAACSFT002 -GroupName AppBxxxWorking -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select FullPathname ) ) 4>&1
    if ($?) {$count = [string]$set.Count} else {$count = "ERROR"}
    if ($count -ne "ERROR") {
      if ($count -ne "100") { $count = fn_count( $count ) } else {
        $verbose = [string]$verbose ; $count = $verbose.Split(" ")[-1] ; $count = fn_count($count) } }
    $AppBxxxWorking_Display = $count

    $verbose = $( $set = $( Get-DFSRBackLog -Verbose -SourceComputerName ZZZPAAACSFT002 -DestinationComputerName ZZZPAAACSFT001 -GroupName AppBxxxWorking -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select FullPathname ) ) 4>&1
    if ($?) {$count = [string]$set.Count} else {$count = "ERROR"}
    if ($count -ne "ERROR") {
      if ($count -ne "100") { $count = fn_count( $count ) } else {
        $verbose = [string]$verbose ; $count = $verbose.Split(" ")[-1] ; $count = fn_count($count) } }
    $AppBxxxWorking_Display = $AppBxxxWorking_Display + "," + $count
  } else {
    $AppBxxxWorking_Display = $AppBxxxWorking_Diag

  if ($AppCxxxx_Diag -eq "ok") {
    $verbose = $( $set = $( Get-DFSRBackLog -Verbose -SourceComputerName ZZZPAAACSFT001 -DestinationComputerName ZZZPAAACSFT002 -GroupName AppCxxxx -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select FullPathname ) ) 4>&1
    if ($?) {$count = [string]$set.Count} else {$count = "ERROR"}
    if ($count -ne "ERROR") {
      if ($count -ne "100") { $count = fn_count( $count ) } else {
        $verbose = [string]$verbose ; $count = $verbose.Split(" ")[-1] ; $count = fn_count($count) } }
    $AppCxxxx_Display = $count

    $verbose = $( $set = $( Get-DFSRBackLog -Verbose -SourceComputerName ZZZPAAACSFT002 -DestinationComputerName ZZZPAAACSFT001 -GroupName AppCxxxx -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select FullPathname ) ) 4>&1
    if ($?) {$count = [string]$set.Count} else {$count = "ERROR"}
    if ($count -ne "ERROR") {
      if ($count -ne "100") { $count = fn_count( $count ) } else {
        $verbose = [string]$verbose ; $count = $verbose.Split(" ")[-1] ; $count = fn_count($count) } }
    $AppCxxxx_Display = $AppCxxxx_Display + "," + $count
  } else {
    $AppCxxxx_Display = $AppCxxxx_Diag

  if ($AppKxx_Diag -eq "ok") {
    $verbose = $( $set = $( Get-DFSRBackLog -Verbose -SourceComputerName ZZZPAAACSFT001 -DestinationComputerName ZZZPAAACSFT002 -GroupName AppKxx -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select FullPathname ) ) 4>&1
    if ($?) {$count = [string]$set.Count} else {$count = "ERROR"}
    if ($count -ne "ERROR") {
      if ($count -ne "100") { $count = fn_count( $count ) } else {
        $verbose = [string]$verbose ; $count = $verbose.Split(" ")[-1] ; $count = fn_count($count) } }
    $AppKxx_Display = $count

    $verbose = $( $set = $( Get-DFSRBackLog -Verbose -SourceComputerName ZZZPAAACSFT002 -DestinationComputerName ZZZPAAACSFT001 -GroupName AppKxx -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select FullPathname ) ) 4>&1
    if ($?) {$count = [string]$set.Count} else {$count = "ERROR"}
    if ($count -ne "ERROR") {
      if ($count -ne "100") { $count = fn_count( $count ) } else {
        $verbose = [string]$verbose ; $count = $verbose.Split(" ")[-1] ; $count = fn_count($count) } }
    $AppKxx_Display = $AppKxx_Display + "," + $count
  } else {
    $AppKxx_Display = $AppKxx_Diag

  if ($AppTxxxFiles_Diag -eq "ok") {
    $verbose = $( $set = $( Get-DFSRBackLog -Verbose -SourceComputerName ZZZPAAACSTA003 -DestinationComputerName ZZZPAAACSTA004 -GroupName AppTxxxFiles -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select FullPathname ) ) 4>&1
    if ($?) {$count = [string]$set.Count} else {$count = "ERROR"}
    if ($count -ne "ERROR") {
      if ($count -ne "100") { $count = fn_count( $count ) } else {
        $verbose = [string]$verbose ; $count = $verbose.Split(" ")[-1] ; $count = fn_count($count) } }
    $AppTxxxFiles_Display = $count

    $verbose = $( $set = $( Get-DFSRBackLog -Verbose -SourceComputerName ZZZPAAACSTA004 -DestinationComputerName ZZZPAAACSTA003 -GroupName AppTxxxFiles -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select FullPathname ) ) 4>&1
    if ($?) {$count = [string]$set.Count} else {$count = "ERROR"}
    if ($count -ne "ERROR") {
      if ($count -ne "100") { $count = fn_count( $count ) } else {
        $verbose = [string]$verbose ; $count = $verbose.Split(" ")[-1] ; $count = fn_count($count) } }
    $AppTxxxFiles_Display = $AppTxxxFiles_Display + "," + $count
  } else {
    $AppTxxxFiles_Display = $AppTxxxFiles_Diag

# Build the table for display...

  if ($AppAxx_Display         -eq "0,0") {$AppAxx_Display         = "-"}
  if ($AppBxxxWorking_Display -eq "0,0") {$AppBxxxWorking_Display = "-"}
  if ($AppCxxxx_Display       -eq "0,0") {$AppCxxxx_Display       = "-"}
  if ($AppKxx_Display         -eq "0,0") {$AppKxx_Display         = "-"}
  if ($AppTxxxFiles_Display   -eq "0,0") {$AppTxxxFiles_Display   = "-"}

  $table = @()
  $table = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
    AppAxx         = $AppAxx_Display
    AppBxxxWorking = $AppBxxxWorking_Display
    AppCxxxx       = $AppCxxxx_Display
    AppKxx         = $AppKxx_Display
    AppTxxxFiles   = $AppTxxxFiles_Display

  $line = ( $table | Format-Table -HideTableHeaders `
     @{ expression = { $_.AppAxx         } ; width = 15 } `
    ,@{ expression = { $_.AppBxxxWorking } ; width = 15 } `
    ,@{ expression = { $_.AppCxxxx       } ; width = 15 } `
    ,@{ expression = { $_.AppKxx         } ; width = 15 } `
    ,@{ expression = { $_.AppTxxxFiles   } ; width = 15 } `
  | Out-String ).Trim()

  if ($line -ne $prev) {

    if ( ($z_lines % 10) -eq 0 ) {
      fn_display_header | Out-File $script_log -Append

    $display = $(Get-Date -Format T) + "  " + $("{0:F0}" -f $z_lines).PadLeft(5) + "  " + $("{0:F0}" -f $z_count).PadLeft(5) + "  " + $line

    $display | Out-File $script_log -Append

  Start-Sleep -Seconds 10


1 回答 1


这不是一个真正的“特定问题”,所以我将把它当作 CodeReview.StackExchange 来代替。

  • $count = fn_count( $count )- PowerShell 中的函数调用不使用()- 除非您想将数组作为参数传递 - 它们就像 cmdlet 一样。$count = fn_count $count
  • fn_is_numeric( $p1 )- 使用[int]::TryParse()或转换为 [int] 并捕获错误。
  • fn_count( $p1 )- 可疑的 Visual Basic 风格冗余命名风格、旧风格参数声明、无用的参数名称
  • fn_count- 什么。这个函数return在 11 行中有 14 个单词。它转换为字符串,您在调用时也会这样做,它会做很多事情来将最后两位数字压缩为 00,或者说 <100 或 0。而且它有问题 - 输入 170,它会说 200 +。
  • [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName()和朋友 ->[IO.FileInfo].Directory
  • 大量复制粘贴的代码 -> 5 行设置和一个ForEach循环
  • 使用 Hashtables 重复数据而不是大量单独命名的变量
  • $("{0:F0}" -f $z_lines).PadLeft(5)似乎在做"$z_lines".PadLeft(5)
  • DFSRDiag您有 10 行复制粘贴和 5 个自定义变量名称的调用只是为了将文本“OK”或“UNKNOWN”带到脚本的下一部分。抛弃它并与下一个复制意大利面块合并。它们已经臃肿但可以清理,因为...


if ($?) {$count = [string]$set.Count} else {$count = "ERROR"}
if ($count -ne "ERROR") {
  if ($count -ne "100") { $count = fn_count( $count ) } else {
    $verbose = [string]$verbose ; $count = $verbose.Split(" ")[-1] ; $count = fn_count($count) } }
$AppAxx_Display = $count

这让人感觉“我复制粘贴的代码越来越长,我将通过 REALLYCRAMMINGEVERYTHINGUPUNREADABLY 缩短它;fn_count已经将 $p1 转换为字符串,所以在这里跳过这样做,fn_count直接传递非数字字符串,这样你就可以跳过检查是否它是“错误”,只是通过它是什么来提供它。忘记将详细信息转换为字符串(它怎么可能不是一个?),忘记很多嵌套if/else的难以阅读的对齐方式,实际上忘记存储 $count - 抛出将一件事或另一件事放入 fn_count 并将结果一次性分配给 AppAxx。

  • $table / format-table shennanigans: idk,但是对于 ForEach 循环的 5 行设置代码,我认为它基本上可以被压扁。

  • $Verbose = $( $set = $( Get-DFSRBackLog ... | Select FullPathname ) ) 4>&1是未注释的伏都教。我什至不想碰它。

无论如何,我放弃了fn_is_numeric,设置了五个服务器及其复制成员的哈希表,并将复制粘贴的两大块变成一个循环,将双 Get-DFSRBacklog 调用拉出并合并fn_count到一个函数中,移动"0,0"测试到它的源头,$table通过重用我之前设置的相同哈希表来修剪东西,删除一堆()奇怪的数字格式,可能是一个的双行,通常从它上面敲掉 100+ 行,并修复 170->200+ 错误:

#  File:    DFSR-check-3-show-backlog.ps1
#  Desc:    Simple monitor of DFSR backlog.
#  Vers   Date      Who Description
#  ----   ----      --- -----------
#  v0.01  11-Aug-2016   sdo Initial draft, based on commands from BM.
#  v0.02  12-Aug-2016   sdo Use "Out-String" to trim the blank lines of the table.
#  v0.03  12-Aug-2016   sdo Extract count from verbose output if "100" items are returned.
#  v0.04  12-Aug-2016   sdo Write to a log file.
#  v0.05  12-Aug-2016   sdo Only display when different or every 100 entries.
#  v0.06  12-Aug-2016   sdo Same layout and counter as other two scripts.
#  v0.07  12-Aug-2016   sdo If the return backlog value is "", make it "0".
#  v0.08  12-Aug-2016   sdo If display is "0,0", make it "-", which is easier to see activity.
#  v0.09  12-Aug-2016   sdo Round anything > 100 to units of 100.
#  v0.10  12-Aug-2016   sdo Use a function so that display updates less often.

# Functions...  ###################################################################################

Function Test-DFSRAtoB {
    Param($ComputerA, $ComputerB, $GroupName)

    # Get the backlog count, either directly or from the verbose log
    $verbose = $( $set = $(Get-DFSRBackLog -Verbose -SourceComputerName $ComputerA -DestinationComputerName $ComputerB -GroupName $GroupName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select FullPathname ) ) 4>&1
    if (!$?) { return "ERROR" }
    $Count = if ("100" -ne $set.Count ) { $set.Count } else { "$verbose".Split(" ")[-1] }

    # Round the backlog count to (0, <100, nn00+), or return it unchanged if that fails
    try {

        if     (100 -le $Count) { $Count -replace '..$', '00+' }
        elseif (  1 -le $Count) { "<100" } 
        elseif (  0 -eq $Count) { "0" }

    } catch { $Count }


Function Show-Header {
    "           Disp    Cnt  AppAxx          AppBxxxWorking  AppCxxxx        AppKxx          AppTxxxFiles"
    "          =====  =====  ======          ==============  ========        ======          ============"

# Main code...

$ScriptFileName = [System.IO.FileInfo]$PSCommandPath
$ScriptLog = Join-Path $ScriptFileName.Directory "$($ScriptFileName.BaseName).log"

$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = $ScriptFileName.Name

$line    = ""
$z_count = 0
$z_lines = 0

Show-Header| Out-File $ScriptLog -Append

$Replications = @(
    @{Name='AppAxx';         Member1='ZZZPAAACSFT001'; Member2='ZZZPAAACSFT002'},
    @{Name='AppBxxxWorking'; Member1='ZZZPAAACSFT001'; Member2='ZZZPAAACSFT002'},
    @{Name='AppCxxxx';       Member1='ZZZPAAACSFT001'; Member2='ZZZPAAACSFT002'},
    @{Name='AppKxx';         Member1='ZZZPAAACSFT001'; Member2='ZZZPAAACSFT002'},
    @{Name='AppTxxxFiles';   Member1='ZZZPAAACSTA003'; Member2='ZZZPAAACSTA004'}

while ($true) {

# Establish whether DFSR is up/enabled/available, or unknown...
# Get DFSR back-log counts, from both sides... or report the "unknown" from the diagnostics...

  $DisplayData = @{}

  $Replications | ForEach {

    $set = $( DFSRDiag backlog /rgname:$_.Name  /rfname:$_.Name  /sendingmember:$_.Member1   /receivingmember:$_.Member2 )
    if ($LastExitCode -eq 0) 
        $AtoBResult = Test-DFSRAtoB $_.Member1 $_.Member2 $_.Name
        $BtoAResult = Test-DFSRAtoB $_.Member2 $_.Member1 $_.Name

        $Display = "$AtoBResult, $BtoAResult"
        $DisplayData[$_.Name] = if ($Display -eq "0,0") { "-" } else { $Display }
        $DisplayData[$_.Name] = "UNKNOWN"


# Build the table for display...

  $prev = if (++$z_count % 100) { $line } else { "" }

  $line = ( [PSCustomObject]$DisplayData | Format-Table -HideTableHeaders `
     @{ expression = { $_.AppAxx         } ; width = 15 } `
    ,@{ expression = { $_.AppBxxxWorking } ; width = 15 } `
    ,@{ expression = { $_.AppCxxxx       } ; width = 15 } `
    ,@{ expression = { $_.AppKxx         } ; width = 15 } `
    ,@{ expression = { $_.AppTxxxFiles   } ; width = 15 } `
  | Out-String ).Trim()

  if ($line -ne $prev) {

    if ( (++$z_lines % 10) -eq 0 ) {
      Show-Header | Out-File $ScriptLog -Append

    ($display = "$(Get-Date -Format T)  $("$z_lines".PadLeft(5))  $("$z_count".PadLeft(5))  $line")
    $display | Out-File $ScriptLog -Append

  Start-Sleep -Seconds 10



于 2016-08-13T01:07:51.157 回答