我试图找出一种方法来计算字符串中的字符数,截断字符串,然后返回它。但是,我需要这个函数来不计算 HTML 标签。问题是如果它计算 HTML 标签,那么如果截断点在标签的中间,那么页面就会出现损坏。
public string Truncate(string input, int characterLimit, string currID) {
string output = input;
// Check if the string is longer than the allowed amount
// otherwise do nothing
if (output.Length > characterLimit && characterLimit > 0) {
// cut the string down to the maximum number of characters
output = output.Substring(0, characterLimit);
// Check if the character right after the truncate point was a space
// if not, we are in the middle of a word and need to remove the rest of it
if (input.Substring(output.Length, 1) != " ") {
int LastSpace = output.LastIndexOf(" ");
// if we found a space then, cut back to that space
if (LastSpace != -1)
output = output.Substring(0, LastSpace);
// end any anchors
if (output.Contains("<a href")) {
output += "</a>";
// Finally, add the "..." and end the paragraph
output += "<br /><br />...<a href='Announcements.aspx?ID=" + currID + "'>see more</a></p>";
return output;
免责声明:我从未使用过 C#,所以我不熟悉与该语言相关的概念……我这样做是因为我必须这样做,而不是出于选择。
谢谢, 赫里斯托