我已经使用 ng-repeat 实现了一个带有 angular-carousel 包的滑块。它工作正常,但它在轮播的末端添加了一个额外的空白幻灯片。我在网上搜索,其他人也有类似的错误,因为他们的轮播末尾有一个额外的元素,但我的代码中没有类似的东西。当我在浏览器中检查 dom 时,我也看不到额外的元素。





<!-- Begin Image section/slider -->
<div data-ng-show="isCurrentPage('/')" data-ng-controller="HeaderController" data-ng-init="getSiteStyle();" class="clearfix">
  <ul rn-carousel rn-carousel-controls-allow-loop rn-carousel-controls rn-carousel-auto-slide="3" data-slider-directive id="upcoming-events-carousel" class="image" style="margin-left:0;margin-bottom:0;">
    <li data-ng-repeat="futureEvent in futureEvents" data-ng-if="futureEvent.eventHomepageImage">
      <div outer-height class="layer" data-slider-slide-directive>
        <a href="/{{futureEvent.eventUrl}}">
          <img class="carousel-img" data-ng-src="/app/uploads/{{ futureEvent.eventHomepageImage }}" />


'use strict';

const jQuery = require('jquery');

const sliderSlideDirective = (app) => {
  app.directive('sliderSlideDirective', ['$timeout',
    function($timeout) {
      const sliderSlideDirectiveDefinitionObject = {
        restrict: 'A',
        scope: true,
        link: function postLink(scope, element, attrs) {
          $timeout(function() {
            //get height of current slide in list and push the height into the height array
            let elemHeight = jQuery(element[0]).height();
            //push that height onto array of heights from parent scope
            //assign the tallest height in array to newHeight variable using es6 spread operator
            let newHeight = Math.max(...scope.$parent.sliderImgsHeights);

      return sliderSlideDirectiveDefinitionObject

module.exports = sliderSlideDirective;;


'use strict';

const HeaderController = (app) => {
  app.controller('HeaderController', ['$scope', '$http', 'headerRESTResource',
    function($scope, $http, resource) {
      $scope.errors = [];
      $scope.siteStyle = [];
      $scope.sliderImgsHeights = [];

      let SiteStyle = resource();

      $scope.getSiteStyle = () => {

        SiteStyle.getSiteStyle(function(err, data) {
          if (err) {
            return $scope.errors.push({
              msg: 'could not retrieve team members'

          $scope.siteStyles = data;



module.exports = HeaderController;


1 回答 1


So after some experimenting, I found that the problem was that some of the items in the array I was returning to make the slides had a null value for their image, so no slide was created, which I thought would be taken care of by data-ng-if="futureEvent.eventHomepageImage", but the items with null for the images still add to the length of the array and angular-carousel uses the length of the array to make the offsets for the slides. So, even though it wasn't adding the blank slides, angular-carousel added extra padding to account for an image that wasn't there, because of the length of the array.

To fix it I looped over the array and pushed the images that were there into a new array and returned the new array containing only images to make the carousel.

Hope this helps anyone else who runs into the same issue :-)

于 2016-08-12T21:53:00.807 回答