大家好。我目前正在玩 YUV 文件。您对如何从 yuv 视频中提取 y,u,v 分量有什么建议吗?我找到了一个如下所示的程序。但我不知道哪一部分是我想要的有效组件。谢谢。
% function mov = loadFileYuv(fileName, width, height, idxFrame)
function [mov,imgRgb] = loadFileYuv(fileName, width, height, idxFrame)
% load RGB movie [0, 255] from YUV 4:2:0 file
fileId = fopen(fileName, 'r');
subSampleMat = [1, 1; 1, 1];
nrFrame = length(idxFrame);
for f = 1 : 1 : nrFrame
% search fileId position
sizeFrame = 1.5 * width * height;
fseek(fileId, (idxFrame(f) - 1) * sizeFrame, 'bof');
% read Y component
buf = fread(fileId, width * height, 'uchar');
imgYuv(:, :, 1) = reshape(buf, width, height).'; % reshape RESHAPE(X,M,N) returns the M-by-N matrix
%whose elements are taken columnwise from X.
%An error results if X does not have M*N elements
% read U component
buf = fread(fileId, width / 2 * height / 2, 'uchar');
imgYuv(:, :, 2) = kron(reshape(buf, width / 2, height / 2).', subSampleMat); % reshape and upsample
% read V component
buf = fread(fileId, width / 2 * height / 2, 'uchar');
imgYuv(:, :, 3) = kron(reshape(buf, width / 2, height / 2).', subSampleMat); % reshape and upsample
% normalize YUV values
% imgYuv = imgYuv / 255;
% convert YUV to RGB
imgRgb = reshape(convertYuvToRgb(reshape(imgYuv, height * width, 3)), height, width, 3);
% imgRgb = ycbcr2rgb(imgYuv);
mov(f) = im2frame(imgRgb);
% mov(f).cdata = uint8(imgRgb);
% mov(f).colormap = [];
% imwrite(imgRgb,'ActualBackground.bmp','bmp');
%figure, imshow(imgRgb);
%name = 'ActualBackground.bmp';
%Image = imread(name, 'bmp');
%figure, imshow(Image);