我希望有更多经验的人在 Node 中使用 Shippo 的 API 可以帮助我解决这个问题。

我的最终目标是按下一个角形前端的按钮,创建装运交易,并使用交易的标签 URL 创建自定义 PDF。除了将生成的标签 URL 推送到 PDF 模板之外,一切正常。

首先,我将 Shippo 的单击标签创建示例粘贴到 Express POST 路由中。它工作得很好,生成交易,我可以通过 ping Shippo 的 API 来查看最近的交易列表并查看最近的交易。

然后,我添加了此代码示例的第 102-111 行,并用它替换了 instalabel 代码中的通用错误消息生成器,因此我当前的 app.js Shippo 事务逻辑如下所示:

    "shipment": shipment,
    "carrier_account": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "servicelevel_token": "ups_ground",
    "label_file_type": "PNG"
},function(transaction, err ){
            console.log("transaction : %s", JSON.stringify(transaction, null, 4));
            // print label_url and tracking_number
            if(transaction.object_status == "SUCCESS") {
                console.log("Label URL: %s", transaction.label_url);
                console.log("Tracking Number: %s", transaction.tracking_number);
                exports.label_url = transaction.label_url;
                exports.tracking_number = transaction.tracking_number;
                //Deal with an error with the transaction
                console.log("Message: %s", transaction.messages);


我需要为刚刚创建的交易获取 label_url 和 tracking_number 并在另一个函数中使用它,但到目前为止我尝试过的一切似乎都以如下错误告终:

    if(transaction.object_status == "SUCCESS") {

TypeError: Cannot read property 'object_status' of null

我猜这是因为创建运输标签的功能没有导出 Shippo 发回的响应,所以我不能在其他功能中使用它……准确吗,还是我找错了树这里?作为参考,这就是七宝的回应应该是这样的:

   "commercial_invoice_url": "",


我该怎么做才能在 shippo.transaction.create 函数本身之外使用此响应中的值?



1 回答 1


您传递给使用的回调的shippo.transaction.create参数已反转其注入的参数。应该(err, transaction)不是(transaction, err)。或者,您可以链接 a.then()并传递一个回调,该回调只接受(transaction)和访问transaction.messages.


var shippo = require('./lib/shippo')('<API KEY>');

var addressFrom  = {
    "name":"Ms Hippo",
    "street1":"215 Clayton St.",
    "city":"San Francisco",
    "country":"US", //iso2 country code
    "phone":"+1 555 341 9393",

// example address_to object dict
var addressTo = {
    "name":"Mr Hippo",
    "company":"Happy Hippo",
    "street1":"965 Mission St",
    "street2":"Suite 425",
    "city":"San Francisco",
    "country":"US", //iso2 country code
    "metadata" : "Hippo T-Shirt Order #1043"

// parcel object dict
var parcel = {

var shipment = {
    "object_purpose": "PURCHASE",
    "address_from": addressFrom,
    "address_to": addressTo,
    "parcel": parcel,
    "async": false

    "shipment": shipment,
        "carrier_account": "07280f4f96f34cc8b75e593c4835dc38",
        "servicelevel_token": "usps_priority",
        "label_file_type": "PNG"
}, function (err, transaction) {
    console.log("transaction : %s", JSON.stringify(transaction, null, 4));
    // print label_url and tracking_number
    if (transaction.object_status == "SUCCESS") {
        console.log("Label URL: %s", transaction.label_url);
        console.log("Tracking Number: %s", transaction.tracking_number);
    } else {
        //Deal with an error with the transaction
        console.log("Message: %s", transaction.messages);

// OR 

    "shipment": shipment,
        "carrier_account": "07280f4f96f34cc8b75e593c4835dc38",
        "servicelevel_token": "usps_priority",
        "label_file_type": "PNG"
}).then(function (transaction) {
    console.log("transaction : %s", JSON.stringify(transaction, null, 4));
    // print label_url and tracking_number
    if (transaction.object_status == "SUCCESS") {
        console.log("Label URL: %s", transaction.label_url);
        console.log("Tracking Number: %s", transaction.tracking_number);
    } else {
        //Deal with an error with the transaction
        console.log("Message: %s", transaction.messages);
于 2016-08-12T22:19:16.627 回答