I was experimenting with setting uninitialized values and was trying to get the following to work. This is mostly a curiosity in the power (and limitations) of reified generics.

I was attempting to provide default values for optional parameters of data classes.

inline fun <reified T> uninitialized(): T = when (T::class) {
  Long::class -> -1L // Type mismatch. Required: T  Found: Long
  String::class -> "" // Type mismatch. Required: T  Found: String
  // and so on...
  else -> throw UnsupportedOperationException("No uninitialized value defined for " + T::class)

data class Thing(
    var id: Long = uninitialized(),
    var name: String = uninitialized() // and so on...

When when includes is Type clauses, Kotlin has smart casting. In this example, smart casting isn't kicking in so this will not compile.

Any ideas to accomplish something similar?


1 回答 1


在您用于is检查其类型或将其与null. 在您的示例中,没有您检查类型的特定对象,也没有可以应用智能转换的对象。

但是,您可以将手动转换应用于T,这将按预期工作。这是您的示例函数的工作版本,已更新以处理将在 1.1 中修复的 Kotlin 反射库的特性:

inline fun <reified T : Any> uninitialized(): T = when (T::class.java) {
  Long::class.javaPrimitiveType, Long::class.javaObjectType -> -1L as T      
  String::class.java -> "" as T
  // and so on...
  else -> throw UnsupportedOperationException("No uninitialized value defined for " + T::class)

data class Thing(
    var id: Long = uninitialized(),
    var name: String = uninitialized() // and so on...

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val t = Thing()
于 2016-08-09T19:34:13.807 回答