遵循 openDDS安装指南时,我尝试configure从命令提示符中运行,但收到​​以下输出:


Can't find a compiler, set PATH or run this script with the --compiler option.
For Microsoft Visual C++, run this script from the Visual Studio Command Prompt.
Stopped at configure line 336.

此错误与 perl 脚本中的这部分代码有关(如行号所示):

if ($opts{'compiler'}) {
    my $standard = 0;
    for my $stdcomp (@{$platforminfo{$opts{'host'}}->{'compilers'}}) {
        $standard = 1 if $opts{'compiler'} eq $stdcomp;
    $opts{'nonstdcompiler'} = 1 unless $standard;
else {
    print "Auto-detecting compiler\n" if $opts{'verbose'};
    for my $stdcomp (@{$platforminfo{$opts{'host'}}->{'compilers'}}) {
        my $path = which($stdcomp);
        if ($path) {
            print "Found $stdcomp at: $path\n" if $opts{'verbose'};
            $opts{'compiler'} = $stdcomp;
    if (!defined $opts{'compiler'}) {
        die "Can't find a compiler, set PATH or run this script with the ".
        "--compiler option.\n" . ($slash eq '\\' ? "  For Microsoft Visual C++, ".
        "run this script from the Visual Studio ".
        "Command Prompt.\n" : '') . "Stopped";

它需要什么编译器?我有gcc并且make正在工作 - 他们在系统路径上。


1 回答 1


我想 Windows 没有gcc列为自然安装的编译器。

在 linux 上它会立即工作。

因此,只需添加--compiler=gccif gccis in the path,它应该可以工作。

于 2016-08-09T16:33:52.480 回答