我在 Ubuntu 14.04 上使用最新版本的 Hyperledger 项目和 docker。当我尝试对等登录和对等网络列表命令时

我在 membersrvc 控制台中收到返回的错误,即:

2016/08/08 08:47:06 传输:http2Server.HandleStreams 收到来自客户端的虚假问候:“\x16\x03\x01\x00\x9a\x01\x00\x00\x96\x03\x03:r\xc0\xeduf9P \xb4n\x00)\xba"


/git/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric/build/bin# CORE_PEER_ADDRESS= ./peer network list 08:47:04.189 [logging] LoggingInit -> DEBU 001 将命令的默认日志记录级别设置为 DEBUG 'network' 2016/08/08 08:47:05 grpc:ClientConn.resetTransport 无法创建客户端传输:连接错误:desc =“传输:tls:第一条记录看起来不像 TLS 握手”;重新连接到“” 2016/08/08 08:47:06 grpc:ClientConn.resetTransport 无法创建客户端传输:连接错误:desc =“传输:tls:第一条记录看起来不像 TLS 握手” ; 重新连接到“”

用法:对等网络列表 [标志]



全局标志:--logging-level="":默认日志记录级别和覆盖,完整语法请参见 core.yaml --test.coverprofile="coverage.cov":完成 -v,--version[=false]:显示当前版本的结构对等服务器



docker run --rm -it -e CORE_VM_ENDPOINT= -e CORE_LOGGING_LEVEL=DEBUG -e CORE_PEER_ID=vp0 -e CORE_PEER_ADDRESSAUTODETECT=true hyperledger/fabric-peer peer node start
16:19:20.518 [logging] LoggingInit -> DEBU 001 Setting default logging level to DEBUG for command 'node'
16:19:20.518 [peer] func1 -> INFO 002 Auto detected peer address:
16:19:20.518 [peer] func1 -> INFO 003 Auto detected peer address:
16:19:20.519 [eventhub_producer] AddEventType -> DEBU 004 registering BLOCK
16:19:20.519 [eventhub_producer] AddEventType -> DEBU 005 registering CHAINCODE
16:19:20.519 [eventhub_producer] AddEventType -> DEBU 006 registering REJECTION
16:19:20.519 [eventhub_producer] AddEventType -> DEBU 007 registering REGISTER
16:19:20.519 [nodeCmd] serve -> INFO 008 Security enabled status: false
16:19:20.520 [nodeCmd] serve -> INFO 009 Privacy enabled status: false
16:19:20.520 [eventhub_producer] start -> INFO 00a event processor started
16:19:20.520 [db] open -> DEBU 00b Is db path [/var/hyperledger/production/db] empty [true]
16:19:21.017 [chaincode] NewChaincodeSupport -> INFO 00c Chaincode support using peerAddress:
16:19:21.017 [chaincode] NewChaincodeSupport -> DEBU 00d Turn off keepalive(value 0)
16:19:21.017 [sysccapi] RegisterSysCC -> INFO 00e system chaincode (noop,github.com/hyperledger/fabric/bddtests/syschaincode/noop) disabled
16:19:21.017 [nodeCmd] serve -> DEBU 00f Running as validating peer - making genesis block if needed
16:19:21.017 [state] loadConfig -> INFO 010 Loading configurations...
16:19:21.018 [state] loadConfig -> INFO 011 Configurations loaded. stateImplName=[buckettree], stateImplConfigs=map[maxGroupingAtEachLevel:%!s(int=5) bucketCacheSize:%!s(int=100) numBuckets:%!s(int=1000003)], deltaHistorySize=[500]
16:19:21.018 [state] NewState -> INFO 012 Initializing state implementation [buckettree]
16:19:21.018 [buckettree] initConfig -> INFO 013 configs passed during initialization = map[string]interface {}{"numBuckets":1000003, "maxGroupingAtEachLevel":5, "bucketCacheSize":100}
16:19:21.018 [buckettree] initConfig -> INFO 014 Initializing bucket tree state implemetation with configurations &{maxGroupingAtEachLevel:5 lowestLevel:9 levelToNumBucketsMap:map[4:321 0:1 5:1601 2:13 1:3 7:40001 6:8001 3:65 8:200001 9:1000003] hashFunc:0xa5f6d0}
16:19:21.018 [buckettree] newBucketCache -> INFO 015 Constructing bucket-cache with max bucket cache size = [100] MBs
16:19:21.018 [buckettree] loadAllBucketNodesFromDB -> INFO 016 Loaded buckets data in cache. Total buckets in DB = [0]. Total cache size:=0
16:19:21.018 [genesis] func1 -> INFO 017 Creating genesis block.
16:19:21.018 [state] GetHash -> DEBU 018 Enter - GetHash()
16:19:21.018 [buckettree] ComputeCryptoHash -> DEBU 019 Enter - ComputeCryptoHash()
16:19:21.018 [buckettree] ComputeCryptoHash -> DEBU 01a Returing existing crypto-hash as recomputation not required
16:19:21.018 [state] GetHash -> DEBU 01b Exit - GetHash()
16:19:21.018 [indexes] addIndexDataForPersistence -> DEBU 01c Indexing block number [0] by hash = [46b9dd2b0ba88d13233b3feb743eeb243fcd52ea62b81b82b50c27646ed5762fd75dc4ddd8c0f200cb05019d67b592f6fc821c49479ab48640292eacb3b7c4be]
16:19:21.018 [state] AddChangesForPersistence -> DEBU 01d state.addChangesForPersistence()...start
16:19:21.018 [state] AddChangesForPersistence -> DEBU 01e Adding state-delta corresponding to block number[0]
16:19:21.018 [state] AddChangesForPersistence -> DEBU 01f Not deleting previous state-delta. Block number [0] is smaller than historyStateDeltaSize [500]
16:19:21.018 [state] AddChangesForPersistence -> DEBU 020 state.addChangesForPersistence()...finished
16:19:21.018 [ledger] resetForNextTxGroup -> DEBU 021 resetting ledger state for next transaction batch
16:19:21.018 [buckettree] ClearWorkingSet -> DEBU 022 Enter - ClearWorkingSet()
16:19:21.019 [nodeCmd] serve -> DEBU 023 Running as validating peer - installing consensus 
16:19:21.019 [peer] initDiscovery -> DEBU 024 Retrieved discovery list from disk: []
16:19:21.020 [consensus/controller] NewConsenter -> INFO 025 Creating default consensus plugin (noops)
16:19:21.020 [consensus/noops] newNoops -> DEBU 026 Creating a NOOPS object
16:19:21.021 [consensus/noops] newNoops -> INFO 027 NOOPS consensus type = *noops.Noops
16:19:21.021 [consensus/noops] newNoops -> INFO 028 NOOPS block size = 500
16:19:21.021 [consensus/noops] newNoops -> INFO 029 NOOPS block wait = 1s
16:19:21.021 [peer] chatWithSomePeers -> DEBU 02a Starting up the first peer of a new network
16:19:21.022 [nodeCmd] serve -> INFO 02b Starting peer with ID=name:"vp0" , network ID=dev, address=, rootnodes=, validator=true
16:19:21.022 [consensus/handler] 1 -> DEBU 02c Starting up message thread for consenter
16:19:21.022 [consensus/statetransfer] verifyAndRecoverBlockchain -> DEBU 02d Validating existing blockchain, highest validated block is 0, valid through 0
16:19:21.022 [consensus/statetransfer] blockThread -> INFO 02e Validated blockchain to the genesis block
16:19:21.022 [rest] StartOpenchainRESTServer -> INFO 02f Initializing the REST service on, TLS is disabled.
16:19:21.023 [peer] ensureConnected -> DEBU 030 Starting Peer reconnect service (touch service), with period = 6s
16:19:27.023 [peer] ensureConnected -> DEBU 031 Touch service indicates no dropped connections
16:19:27.023 [peer] ensureConnected -> DEBU 032 Connected to: []
16:19:27.023 [peer] ensureConnected -> DEBU 033 Discovery knows about: []
16:19:33.024 [peer] ensureConnected -> DEBU 034 Touch service indicates no dropped connections
16:19:33.024 [peer] ensureConnected -> DEBU 035 Connected to: []
16:19:33.024 [peer] ensureConnected -> DEBU 036 Discovery knows about: []



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