I'm trying to do this:

nmf.sub <- function(n){
sub.data.matrix <- data.matrix[, (index[n, ])] ## the index is a permutation of the original matrix at a 0.8 resampling proportion (doesn't really matter)
temp.result <- nmf(sub.data.matrix, rank = 2, seed = 12345) ## want to change 2 to i

class.list <- list()
for (i in nmf.rank){ ## nmf.rank is 2:4
results.list <- mclapply(mc.cores = 16, 1:resamp.iterations, function(n) nmf.sub(n)) ## resamp.iterations is 10, nmf.sub is defined above

But instead of having rank = 2 in the nmf for temp.result, I want to have rank = i

Any idea how I could pass it that parameter? Just passing it through mclapply as function(n, i) doesn't work.


1 回答 1


您似乎有两个循环:一个 for i innmf.rank和一个 for n in 1:resamp.iterations。因此,您需要同时传递innmf.sub例如:

nmf.sub <- function(n, i){
    ## the index is a permutation of the original matrix at a 0.8
    ## resampling proportion (doesn't really matter)
    sub.data.matrix <- data.matrix[, (index[n, ])] 
    ## want to change 2 to i
    temp.result <- nmf(sub.data.matrix, rank = i, seed = 12345)

resamp.iterations <- 10
nmf.rank <- 2:4

res <- lapply(nmf.rank, function(i){
    results.list <- mclapply(mc.cores = 16, 1:resamp.iterations,
                             function(n) nmf.sub(n,i))
## then you can flatten/reshape res

关于您对效率的评论(如下):大部分数值计算是在 nmf() 函数内执行的,因此循环设置正确,因为每个进程/核心都获得了数值密集型工作。但是,为了加快计算速度,您可能会考虑使用先前计算的结果,而不是种子 12345(除非由于与您的问题相关的某种原因必须使用后一个种子)。在以下示例中,执行时间减少了 30-40%:

RNGkind("L'Ecuyer-CMRG") ## always use this when using mclapply()
nr <- 19
nc <- 2e2
data.matrix <- matrix(rexp(nc*nr),nr,nc)

resamp.iterations <- 10
nmf.rank <- 2:4

index <- t(sapply(1:resamp.iterations, function(n) sample.int(nc,nc*0.8)))

nmf.sub <- function(n, i){
    sub.data.matrix <- data.matrix[ ,index[n, ]] 
    temp.result <- nmf(sub.data.matrix, rank = i, seed = 12345)

## version 1
    res <- lapply(nmf.rank, function(i){
        results.list <- mclapply(mc.cores = 16, 1:resamp.iterations,
                                 function(n) nmf.sub(n,i))

## version 2: swap internal and external loops
    res <- 
        mclapply(mc.cores=16, 1:resamp.iterations, function(n){
            res2 <- nmf(data.matrix[ ,index[n, ]], rank=2, seed = 12345)
            res3 <- nmf(data.matrix[ ,index[n, ]], rank=3, seed = 12345)
            res4 <- nmf(data.matrix[ ,index[n, ]], rank=4, seed = 12345)

## version 3: use previous calculation as starting point
##   ==> 30-40% reduction in computing time
    res <- 
        mclapply(mc.cores=16, 1:resamp.iterations, function(n){
            res2 <- nmf(data.matrix[ ,index[n, ]], rank=2, seed = 12345)
            res3 <- nmf(data.matrix[ ,index[n, ]], rank=3, seed = res2)
            res4 <- nmf(data.matrix[ ,index[n, ]], rank=4, seed = res3)
于 2016-08-08T16:45:36.143 回答