我正在用 Javascript 编写番茄钟。
Obj 有点困惑。根据下面的代码,想法是“会话计时器”和“中断计时器”值将存储在全局 obj 中,以便可以检索和/或更新它们。但是,以下内容让我感到困惑:
// The following stores the current time
// which makes sense.
const meter = {
break : new Date(),
session : new Date()
// However, when I set the minutes on the Date obj
// the above break & session props are no longer
// a Date obj, instead they are number.
// So, I cant use the 'getMinutes()'
const meter = {
break : new Date().setMinutes( 5 ), // is a number, not Date anymore!
session : new Date().setMinutes( 10 ) // is a number, not Date anymore!
我可以通过new Date()
方法传递休息/会话编号以创建新日期,但我想知道如何创建计时器(主要格式为 [hr]:[min]:[sec])。在更新代码之前,我是否必须每秒执行以下操作:
let number = 1470650701308; // time in milliseconds as returned by methods (getMinutes(), getHours(), getSeconds())
let hours = 1470650701308 / ( 1000 * 60 * 60 ); // ms * sec * min
let minutes = 1470650701308 / ( 1000 * 60 ); // ms * sec
let seconds = 1470650701308 / ( 1000 ); // ms