基本上,代码需要将大约 1-19 位不同长度的数字反转,将这些数字相加,然后检查结果是否完全由奇数组成,不允许使用前导 0(例如,应排除 100)。
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);
long t = scan.nextInt(); //Number of numbers to test
for (int i = 1; i <= t; i++){
long n = scan.nextLong();
calc(n); //begins calculation
public static void calc(long n)
long reversible = 0; //Counter
for (long i = 1; i < n; i++)
if (i%10 != 0) //Makes sure number does not end with a zero
long reverse = 0;
long j = i;
long checkOdd;
//Reverse the number
while( j != 0 )
reverse = reverse * 10;
reverse = reverse + j%10;
j = j/10; //
long result = i + reverse; //Add current number and reverse
while (result != 0)
//Check and remove numbers to see if odd or not
checkOdd = result%10;
if (checkOdd%2 == 0){ //Even detected, move to next number
result = 0;
result = result/10; //Move to next digit
//Counts and ensures we do not count the same number multiple times
if (checkOdd%2 == 1 && result == 0)
reversible = reversible + 1;
/** REGEX TEST CODE -- fails when result is 5 digits long after testing */
/** if(Pattern.matches("\\d[^02468]", Long.toString(result)))
reversible = reversible + 1;