我被使用 VBA 代码的 CSV 文件的 SQL 介导导入所阻碍。我正在使用第三个 EXCEL 宏/电子表格来分析 2 个文件的 LEFT JOIN,一个作为 XLXS,另一个作为 CSV。
我怀疑部分问题可能是如何使用 SQL 命令来获取对 Excel 文件的 FROM 引用。我正在使用 Excel VBA,2010,14 数据库访问引擎。
我想以从外部逗号分隔的 CSV 文件中提取的 SQL 语句结束
我预计在启用宏的独立 excel 文件中使用此伪代码标题宏:
dbEngine = CreateObject(DAO.engine ... )
set DB = dbEngine.OpenDatabase(theNormalExternalExcellFile,....)
对于 SQL 语句,在伪代码中,我想要这个:
SELECT fields
FROM [Table$] ' a normal external excel file
LEFT JOIN [an external CSV, comma delimited file]
我可以在一个简单的 SQL 语句中独立地成功导入 XLXS 或 CSV,但是当我将外部文件引用放在 SQL 的 FROM 子句中时,我会遇到两个错误之一,具体取决于我使用代码的方式:无效的文件路径,或 FROM 子句中的错误。路径是无效的。
我还提供了替代的 SQL 字符串,我曾用它来测试代码中生成错误的位置。
'the Seating Chart
strPathSource = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Logic").Range("rngPathSource")
'strFileNameSource = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Logic").Range("rngFileNameSource")
'strFileNameSourceWOExt = Left(strFileNameSource, Len(strFileNameSource) - 4)
'the attendance
strPathAttendance = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Logic").Range("rngPathAttendance")
strFileNameAttendance = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Logic").Range("rngFileNameAttendance")
strFolderAttendance = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Logic").Range("rngFolderAttendance")
strFileNameAttendanceWOExt = Left(strFileNameAttendance, Len(strFileNameAttendance) - 4)
Set dbE = CreateObject("Dao.DBEngine.120")
Set db = dbe.OpenDatabase(strPathSource, True, False, "Excel 12.0;HDR=Yes")
''Set db = DAO.OpenDatabase(strFolderAttendance, True, False, "text;HDR=Yes;FMT=Delimited(,)")
'[Master$] is a tab on the spreadsheet at strPathSource
' This reference to the table at strPathAttendance which otherwise works: [Attendance#csv]
' when not inside the FROM clause
strSQL = _
"SELECT tM.Job, Count(tA.Name) AS CountOfName" _
& " FROM [Master$] tM" _
& " LEFT JOIN" _
& " (SELECT * FROM [text;HDR=Yes;FMT=Delimited(,);Database='" _
& strPathAttendance & "'].[" & strFileNameAttendanceWOExt & "#csv]) tA" _
& " ON (tM.GivenName = tA.GivenName) AND (tM.SurName = tA.SurName)" _
& " GROUP BY tM.Job" _
& " ORDER BY tM.Job, Count(tA.Name)"
'Debug.Print strSQL
' This is the reported value for the string, strSQL, particularly the FROM clause:
' SELECT tM.Job, Count(tA.Name) AS CountOfName FROM [Master$] tM LEFT JOIN
' [text;HDR=Yes;FMT=Delimited(,);Database=T:\Solutions Team Shared Folder\Seats -
' Attendance\Attendance.csv].[Attendance#csv]) tA
' ON (tM.GivenName = tA.GivenName) AND (tM.SurName = tA.SurName)
' GROUP BY tM.Job ORDER BY tM.Job, Count(tA.Name)
'' putting a single or double quote, around the database path, does not change the error
Set rstR = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
' 'T:\...\...\Attendance.csv' is not a valid path. Make sure that
' the path name is spelled correctly and that you are connected to the server
' on which the file resides.
' ALT SQL strings, to test what's going on.
'strSQL = _
' "Select * FROM [Attendance#csv]"
'strSQL = _
' "Select * FROM (Select * FROM [Excel 12.0;HDR=Yes;Database=" & strPathSource & "].[Master$])"
'strSQL = _
' "SELECT * FROM [text;HDR=Yes;FMT=Delimited(,);Database=" _
' & strPathAttendance & "].[" & strFileNameAttendanceWOExt & "#csv]"
'strSQL = _
' "Select * FROM [Excel 12.0;HDR=Yes;Database=" & strPathSource & "].[Master$]"