I have encountered a situation where DEoptim
appears to freeze. I can't figure out why and was hoping somebody with more experience in C could take a look at it.
It is rather difficult to create a reproducible example, so I simply saved the entire environment 50 iterations before the DEoptim freezes. The file below, 'Envir650.Rdata'
can be found here.
rm(list = ls())
load('Envir650.Rdata') # load the environment
# Adjust one function
argsList$fun.density = DstarM::Voss.density
argsList$control$trace = 1 # show intermediate output
argsList$control$parallelType = 0 # don't use parallel processing
.Random.seed = randomseed # set seed
out = do.call(DEoptim, argsList) # freezes at iteration 21 and crashes R.
Many thanks in advance!
EDIT: I hope the problem is now reproducible.