I am trying to install Tidal, and I am running in to trouble installing the Dirt-Samples quark in SuperCollider 3.6.6. I followed the directions in the SuperDirt repository and put the SuperDirt, Dirt-Samples, and Vowel quarks in ~/.local/share/SuperCollidor/Extensions/quarks/. I am running Ubuntu 14.04 on a Dell Inspiron 3521.

In SuperCollider I am running Quarks.gui. In the list of quarks, Vowel appears to be installed, with a + next to it, but Dirt-Samples and SuperDirt have a - next to them. When I select Dirt-Samples so there is a * next to it and click Apply, I get this error in the SuperCollidor IDE:

   Character 47 '/'

    Meta_MethodError:new    0x3c794c0
            arg this = DoesNotUnderstandError
            arg what = nil
            arg receiver = nil
    Meta_DoesNotUnderstandError:new 0x3c7b480
            arg this = DoesNotUnderstandError
            arg receiver = nil
            arg selector = split
            arg args = [ / ]
    Object:doesNotUnderstand        0x2adebc0
            arg this = nil
            arg selector = split
            arg args = nil
    a FunctionDef   0x2fa4900
            sourceCode = "<an open Function>"
            arg oneq = Quark: Dirt-Samples
    ArrayedCollection:do    0x3b8fe80
            arg this = [ Quark: Dirt-Samples ]
            arg function = a Function
            var i = 0
    QuarkSVNRepository:checkout     0x2fa43c0
            arg this = a QuarkSVNRepository
            arg q = Quark: Dirt-Samples
            arg localRoot = /home/nathan/.local/share/SuperCollider/quarks
            arg sync = true
            var subfolders = nil
            var fullCheckout = [  ]
            var pathSoFar = nil
            var skeletonCheckout = [  ]
            var args = nil
    Quarks:checkout 0x3907d00
            arg this = a Quarks
            arg name = Dirt-Samples
            arg version = nil
            arg sync = true
            var q = Quark: Dirt-Samples
    Quarks:install  0x3909ac0
            arg this = a Quarks
            arg name = Dirt-Samples
            arg includeDependencies = true
            arg checkoutIfNeeded = true
            var q = nil
            var deps = nil
            var installed = nil
            var dirname = nil
            var quarksForDep = nil
    a FunctionDef   0x39da400
            sourceCode = "<an open Function>"
            arg qView = a QuarkViewQt
    ArrayedCollection:do    0x3b8fe80
            arg this = [ a QuarkViewQt, a QuarkViewQt, a QuarkViewQt, a QuarkViewQt, a QuarkViewQt, a QuarkViewQt, a QuarkViewQt, a QuarkViewQt, a QuarkViewQt, a QuarkViewQt, a QuarkViewQt, a QuarkViewQt, a QuarkViewQt, a QuarkViewQt, a QuarkViewQt, a QuarkViewQt, a QuarkViewQt, a QuarkViewQt, a QuarkViewQt, a QuarkViewQt, a QuarkViewQt, a QuarkViewQt, a QuarkViewQt, a QuarkViewQt, a QuarkViewQt, a QuarkViewQt, a QuarkViewQt, a QuarkViewQt, a QuarkViewQt, a QuarkViewQt, a QuarkViewQt, a QuarkViewQt, a QuarkViewQt, a QuarkViewQt, ...etc...
            arg function = a Function
            var i = 92
    Function:prTry  0x2dc7300
            arg this = a Function
            var result = nil
            var thread = a Thread
            var next = a Function
            var wasInProtectedFunc = true
    Function:protect        0x2dc6880
            arg this = a Function
            arg handler = a Function
            var result = nil
    a FunctionDef   0x2d870c0
            sourceCode = "<an open Function>"
    Function:prTry  0x2dc7300
            arg this = a Function
            var result = nil
            var thread = a Thread
            var next = nil
            var wasInProtectedFunc = false

    DoesNotUnderstandError:reportError   0x4d51268
            arg this = <instance of DoesNotUnderstandError>
    < closed FunctionDef >   0x4d48418
            arg error = <instance of DoesNotUnderstandError>
    Integer:forBy   0x468a6d8
            arg this = 0
            arg endval = 0
            arg stepval = 2
            arg function = <instance of Function>
            var i = 0
            var j = 0
    SequenceableCollection:pairsDo   0x49be958
            arg this = [*2]
            arg function = <instance of Function>
    Scheduler:seconds_   0x2a7cbd8
            arg this = <instance of Scheduler>
            arg newSeconds = 1470285930.1456
    Meta_AppClock:tick   0x3ec45a8
            arg this = <instance of Meta_AppClock>
            var saveClock = <instance of Meta_SystemClock>
    Process:tick   0x465a508
            arg this = <instance of Main>
^^ The preceding error dump is for ERROR: Message 'split' not understood.

I don't know what is causing this 'split' error. Any help getting from here to being able to run SuperDirt.start in SuperCollider would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


1 回答 1


这些夸克(SuperDirt、Dirt-Samples、Vocal)似乎都可以在 SuperCollider v3.7+ 中正确安装。在 3.6.x 和 3.7 之间对 Quarks 进行了重大修复和改进,因此这可能会通过升级来解决。

如果您特别依赖 3.6.x,您可能可以继续使用 Tidal。如您所述,将文件放置在 quarks 文件夹中是安装它们所需的全部内容(Quarks GUI 正是这样做的,并且仅此而已) - Quarks gui / Quarks.install() 没有做任何额外的事情。一个简单的重新编译/重新启动应该拿起夸克,一切都应该正常工作。


于 2016-08-04T16:31:31.523 回答