我正在尝试使用 Netwire 对移动对象进行建模,并且想知道推荐的方法来实现诸如从墙上弹回球的方法。我遇到了几种可能的方法来做到这一点,我需要一些帮助才能真正让它们工作。


type Pos = Float
type Vel = Float

data Collision = Collision | NoCollision
           deriving (Show)

motion :: (HasTime t s, MonadFix m) => Pos -> Vel -> Wire s Collision m a Pos
motion x0 v0 = proc _ -> do
                 v <- vel <<< delay 0 -< x
                 x <- pos x0 -< v
             returnA -< x

pos :: (HasTime t s, MonadFix m) => Pos -> Wire s Collision m Vel Pos
pos x0 = integral x0

main :: IO ()
main = testWire clockSession_ (motion 0 5)

制作在特定位置反弹的速度箭头的推荐方法是什么,例如 x=20?


  • 看起来最简单的 netwire-->函数。我有一个使用这个函数的原型,但是我不知道如何根据碰撞时的速度制作一个新的速度箭头,我只能使用一个固定的值,如果对象可以加速,这个值就没有用了。

    vel :: (HasTime t s, MonadFix m) => Wire s Collision m Pos Vel
    vel = pure 5 . unless (>20) --> pure (-5)
  • 在 Netwire 中使用Eventand 。switch我不明白如何使用这个。

  • 使用(|||)一般箭头可用的功能。


我已经看到了其他类似的问题,但是不同版本的 netwire 之间的不兼容使答案对我没有用处。


1 回答 1


Disclaimer: I cannot comment on what is "recommended", but I can show a way that does what you want to do.

I want to describe two methods:
The first is using stateful wires, and is pretty similar to this a bit outdated tutorial from 2013, but based on Netwire 5.0.2.
The second is using stateless wires. Because they are stateless they need to be fed back their previous values, which makes the wire's input types and the final combination of the wires a bit more convoluted. Otherwise they are pretty similar.

The basic types that are involved in both examples are

type Collision = Bool
type Velocity = Float
type Position = Float


You can model your problem with two (stateful) wires that are then combined.

One wire models the velocity, which is constant, and changes direction when a collision happens. The (simplified) type of this is Wire s e m Collision Velocity, i.e. it's input is if a collision happened and the output is the current velocity.

The other one models the position, and handles collisions. The (simplified) type of this is Wire s e m Velocity (Position, Collision), i.e. it takes a velocity, calculates the new position and returns that and if a collision happened.

Finally the velocity is fed into the position wire, and the collision result from that is fed back into the velocity wire.

Let's have a look at the details of the velocity wire:

-- stateful fixed velocity wire that switches direction when collision occurs
velocity :: Velocity -> Wire s e m Collision Velocity
velocity vel = mkPureN $ \collision ->
  let nextVel = if collision then negate vel else vel
  in (Right nextVel, velocity nextVel)

mkPureN creates a stateful wire that only depends on the input and its own state (not on a Monad, or time). The state is the current velocity, and the next velocity is negated if Collision=True is passed as input. The return value is a pair of the velocity value and the new wire with the new state.

For the position it is no longer sufficient to use the integral wire directly. We want an enhanced, "bounded" version of integral which makes sure that the value stays lower than an upper bound and greater than 0, and returns the information if such a collision has happened.

-- bounded integral [0, bound]
pos :: HasTime t s => Position -> Position -> Wire s e m Velocity (Position, Collision)
pos bound x = mkPure $ \ds dx ->
  let dt = realToFrac (dtime ds)
      nextx' = x + dt*dx -- candidate
      (nextx, coll)
        | nextx' <= 0 && dx < 0     = (-nextx', True)
        | nextx' >= bound && dx > 0 = (bound - (nextx' - bound), True)
        | otherwise                 = (nextx', False)
  in (Right (nextx, coll), pos bound nextx)

mkPure is similar to mkPureN, but allows the wire to depend on time.
dt is the time difference.
nextx' is the new position, as it would be returned by integral.
The following lines check the bounds and return the new position, if a collision has occurred and the new wire with the new state.

Finally you feed them into each other using rec and delay. Full example:

{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-}

module Main where

import Control.Monad.Fix
import Control.Wire
import FRP.Netwire

type Collision = Bool
type Velocity = Float
type Position = Float

-- bounded integral [0, bound]
pos :: HasTime t s => Position -> Position -> Wire s e m Velocity (Position, Collision)
pos bound x = mkPure $ \ds dx ->
  let dt = realToFrac (dtime ds)
      nextx' = x + dt*dx -- candidate
      (nextx, coll)
        | nextx' <= 0 && dx < 0     = (-nextx', True)
        | nextx' >= bound && dx > 0 = (bound - (nextx' - bound), True)
        | otherwise                 = (nextx', False)
  in (Right (nextx, coll), pos bound nextx)

-- stateful fixed velocity wire that switches direction when collision occurs
velocity :: Velocity -> Wire s e m Collision Velocity
velocity vel = mkPureN $ \collision ->
  let nextVel = if collision then negate vel else vel
  in (Right nextVel, velocity nextVel)

run :: (HasTime t s, MonadFix m) => Position -> Velocity -> Position -> Wire s () m a Position
run start vel bound = proc _ -> do
    v <- velocity vel <<< delay False -< collision
    (p, collision) <- pos bound start -< v
  returnA -< p

main :: IO ()
main = testWire clockSession_ (run 0 5 20)


The stateless variant is very similar to the stateful one, except that the state wanders to the input type of the wires instead of being a parameter to the functions that create the wire.

The velocity wire therefore takes a tuple (Velocity, Collision) as its input, and we can just lift a function to create it:

-- pure stateless independent from time
-- output velocity is input velocity potentially negated depending on collision
velocity :: Monad m => Wire s e m (Velocity, Collision) Velocity
velocity = arr $ \(vel, collision) -> if collision then -vel else vel

You can also use the function mkSF_ from Control.Wire.Core (and then get rid of the restriction to Monad m).

pos becomes

-- pure stateless but depending on time
-- output position is input position moved by input velocity (depending on timestep)
pos :: HasTime t s => Position -> Wire s e m (Position, Velocity) (Position, Collision)
pos bound = mkPure $ \ds (x,dx) ->
  let dt = realToFrac (dtime ds)
      nextx' = x + dt*dx -- candidate
      (nextx, coll)
        | nextx' <= 0 && dx < 0     = (-nextx', True)
        | nextx' >= bound && dx > 0 = (bound - (nextx' - bound), True)
        | otherwise                 = (nextx', False)
  in (Right (nextx, coll), pos bound)

Here we still need to use mkPure, because there is no function that specifically can be used for stateless wires that depend on time.

To connect the two wire we now must feed the output of velocity into itself and the position, and from the pos wire the position into itself and the collision information into the velocity wire.

But actually with stateless wires you can also separate the "integrating" and the "bounds checking" parts of the pos wire. The pos wire then is a Wire s e m (Position, Velocity) Position that directly returns what is nextx' above, and the boundedPos wire is a Wire s e m (Position, Velocity) (Position, Collision) that gets the new position from pos and the velocity, and applies the bound check. That way the different logical parts become nicely separated.

Full example:

{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-}

module Main where

import Control.Monad.Fix
import Control.Wire
import FRP.Netwire

type Collision = Bool
type Velocity = Float
type Position = Float

-- pure stateless but depending on time
-- output position is input position moved by input velocity (depending on timestep)
pos :: HasTime t s => Wire s e m (Position, Velocity) Position
pos = mkPure $ \ds (x,dx) ->
  let dt = realToFrac (dtime ds)
  in (Right (x + dt*dx), pos)

-- pure stateless independent from time
-- input position is bounced off the bounds
boundedPos :: Monad m => Position -> Wire s e m (Position, Velocity) (Position, Collision)
boundedPos bound = arr $ \(x, dx) ->
  let (nextx, collision)
        | x <= 0 && dx < 0 = (-x, True)
        | x >= bound && dx > 0 = (bound - (x - bound), True)
        | otherwise          = (x, False)
  in (nextx, collision)

-- pure stateless independent from time
-- output velocity is input velocity potentially negated depending on collision
velocity :: Monad m => Wire s e m (Velocity, Collision) Velocity
velocity = arr $ \(vel, collision) -> if collision then -vel else vel

-- plug the wires into each other
run :: (HasTime t s, MonadFix m) => Position -> Velocity -> Position -> Wire s () m a Position
run start vel bound = proc _ -> do
    v <- velocity <<< delay (vel, False) -< (v, collision)
    lastPos <- delay start -< p'
    p <- pos -< (lastPos, v)
    (p', collision) <- boundedPos bound -< (p, v)
  returnA -< p'

main :: IO ()
main = testWire clockSession_ (run 0 5 20)
于 2016-11-25T20:49:07.827 回答