To preface, I am a student and have limited experience with IDEs. My situation is that I currently have two versions of Eclipse on my machine (OSX El Capitan), one being a C/C++ IDE (Mars) and the other is a Java IDE (Mars.2). I am interested in upgrading to Eclipse Neon for my Java IDE.

Would it be a good idea to uninstall my current Mars.2 version, or just install Neon on top of what I have?

Or, is there a another simple way to upgrade?

If the solution involves uninstalling my Mars.2 version, what files/directories do I need to delete so that my C++ IDE remains functional?

I apologize for the newbie question, but I wanted to get an expert's take that I can bring into my (hopeful) career.



1 回答 1


无需卸载现有的 Eclipse,因为它允许多 Eclipse 在同一台机器上运行。

如果原始 Eclipse 没有发生大的变化,我建议只需下载一个新版本的 Eclipse,然后根据常见问题解答中的说明将其解压缩到与现有 Eclipse 文件夹不同的文件夹中。如何升级 Eclipse IDE?

我们强烈建议您不要解压缩现有的 Eclipse 版本,因为可能会出现意外的副作用,包括(但不限于):恶心、呕吐、呼吸急促、安装损坏。

然后,您可以将新的 Eclipse 版本指向您现有的工作区,它将完整地加载您的所有项目和首选项。

如果您在当前的 Eclipse 中添加了许多插件和首选项,请按照最简单的方法将 eclipse 3.7 升级到 4.2 (Juno)以迁移插件和首选项。尽管这有点冒险,因为许多插件不兼容或需要自行更新。最好将您使用的任何第三方插件安装到新的 Eclipse 安装中。

于 2016-08-03T15:25:34.040 回答