System.out、stdout 和 cout 在 Java、C 和 C++ 中分别是完全相同的吗?

为什么同一事物有三个不同的名称(尤其是当 C、C++ 和 Java 有很多共同点时)?



4 回答 4



stdout附加到文件描述符(stdout 是 a FILE*)。stdout文件描述符是1. 因为它返回对文件描述符的引用,所以可以在fputs和中使用fprintf

JavaSystem.out本质上就像stdout(它java.io.FileDescriptor与 handle 一起使用1)并传入FileOutputStream并最终包裹在里面BufferedOutputStream


     * Initialize the system class.  Called after thread initialization.
    private static void initializeSystemClass() {
    props = new Properties();

        // Workaround until DownloadManager initialization is revisited.
        // Make JavaLangAccess available early enough for internal
        // Shutdown hooks to be registered

        // Gets and removes system properties that configure the Integer
        // cache used to support the object identity semantics of autoboxing.
        // At this time, the size of the cache may be controlled by the
        // vm option -XX:AutoBoxCacheMax=<size>.

    // Load the zip library now in order to keep java.util.zip.ZipFile
    // from trying to use itself to load this library later.

    FileInputStream fdIn = new FileInputStream(FileDescriptor.in);
    FileOutputStream fdOut = new FileOutputStream(FileDescriptor.out);
    FileOutputStream fdErr = new FileOutputStream(FileDescriptor.err);
    setIn0(new BufferedInputStream(fdIn));
    setOut0(new PrintStream(new BufferedOutputStream(fdOut, 128), true));
    setErr0(new PrintStream(new BufferedOutputStream(fdErr, 128), true));

    // Setup Java signal handlers for HUP, TERM, and INT (where available).

        // Initialize any miscellenous operating system settings that need to be
        // set for the class libraries. Currently this is no-op everywhere except
        // for Windows where the process-wide error mode is set before the java.io
        // classes are used.

    // Set the maximum amount of direct memory.  This value is controlled
    // by the vm option -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=<size>.  This method acts
    // as an initializer only if it is called before sun.misc.VM.booted().

    // Set a boolean to determine whether ClassLoader.loadClass accepts
    // array syntax.  This value is controlled by the system property
    // "sun.lang.ClassLoader.allowArraySyntax".  This method acts as
    // an initializer only if it is called before sun.misc.VM.booted().

    // Subsystems that are invoked during initialization can invoke
    // sun.misc.VM.isBooted() in order to avoid doing things that should
    // wait until the application class loader has been set up.

        // The main thread is not added to its thread group in the same
        // way as other threads; we must do it ourselves here.
        Thread current = Thread.currentThread();


 * A handle to the standard output stream. Usually, this file
 * descriptor is not used directly, but rather via the output stream
 * known as <code>System.out</code>.
 * @see     java.lang.System#out
public static final FileDescriptor out = standardStream(1);


于 2010-10-06T14:34:18.127 回答

它们是相同的东西,但它们没有相同的类型。例如,stdoutis aFILE*coutis an std::ostream。由于 C++ 支持两者,因此需要不同的名称。

在后台,所有这些变量都引用调用进程的标准输出。它是操作系统在生成新进程时始终打开的三个文件描述符 ( stdin, stdout, ) 之一。stderr写入此文件描述符的所有内容最终都会显示在屏幕上或stdout重定向到的任何位置(使用>>>shell 运算符)。

于 2010-10-06T14:27:33.940 回答

它们是用于写入程序“标准输出”文件的每种语言特定的方式,这个概念起源于 C/UNIX。它们在为执行输出提供的确切功能/方法上有所不同。

It's also worth mentioning that both cout and stdout are available in C++, since it halfway tries to be a superset of the C language, but mixing the use of the two may be a bad idea unless you disable buffering entirely on both. I'm not aware of any requirement for the two to share a buffer, so it's possible that output will come out misordered if you mix them.

于 2010-10-06T15:29:48.570 回答


但在 C 和 C++ 中,cout 构建在 stdout 之上,以添加 System.out 提供的一些功能,例如格式化。由于 java 没有指针的概念,System,out 被重新设计为使用 PrintStream 来执行与 cout 类似的任务。

PritnStream 提供了一些额外的功能,例如,PrintStream 不会抛出 IOException,而是设置一个内部错误标志,然后可以使用 checkError 访问该标志。

我认为遵循命名约定是因为每种语言的设计者都不同。C、C++ 与 Unix 密切相关,因此它们使用标准输出和控制台等术语。Java 被设计为更加面向对象,因此 Java 的创建者决定将其命名为有点不同。

于 2010-10-06T14:43:29.953 回答