对于 HP 2133 迷你:
- 1.2GHz CPU
- 1 GB 内存
- 视窗
- 5400 转硬盘
我打算安装 Visual Studio 2005(假设它比 2008 快)。我已经看到了https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8440/visual-studio-optimizations问题,所以我会将这些问题考虑在内。
但是您认为 Visual Studio 2005 会以可接受的速度使用此硬件吗?
对于 HP 2133 迷你:
我打算安装 Visual Studio 2005(假设它比 2008 快)。我已经看到了https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8440/visual-studio-optimizations问题,所以我会将这些问题考虑在内。
但是您认为 Visual Studio 2005 会以可接受的速度使用此硬件吗?
编译时会有点迟钝,否则应该没问题。不过我建议多一点内存。现在它很便宜,从 1GB 升级到 2GB 确实会产生影响,特别是如果你还在后台运行其他程序。
这取决于您所说的可接受。以我的经验,7200RPM 硬盘驱动器将提高 VS.NET 2005 的性能速度,因为它是一个 IO 密集型应用程序。
这取决于您打算在笔记本电脑上处理的项目类型。Visual Studio 肯定会运行得很好(2-4 GB 的 RAM 会更好),但如果你有大型解决方案,你会看到一些性能下降。此外,可接受的速度在旁观者的眼中。这可能会让我发疯,但其他人可能对那台机器没问题。
另外,请在此处查看 Scott 的帖子:
Scott Hanselman has a good post about using netbooks for Visual Studio development. His post specifically covers the Dell mini, but a lot of what he says applies to other netbooks as well.
That laptop is probably pushing the lower limit of "good enough". If you're writing a resource intensive app, it probably will be pretty slow when you're debugging. For a web site, you'll probably only slow down when the IDE is doing something intensive.
一切都与屏幕尺寸有关。任何小于 14/15(英寸)的东西都不能使用。
I would go for at least 2gb of RAM and a descent screen size, I agree with StingyJack and wont go for anything less than 15"
The requirements of VS 2005 is one thing, but keep in mind that you will probely use servel other applications at the same time.
My laptop has a 17" screen, it works but at times i still miss the 22" wide screen I use at work.
add memory
as much as you can get.
Great answers, I'll add more RAM (as mentioned they are really cheap). I'm restricted with the monitor so it'll be 8.9 :)
The idea is I'll use this laptop do some presentation around, and If I need to debug or hack it on the way I should able to do it. There won't be any actual development other than, small hacks (hopefully!).
a 4:3 ratio screen will be much better then a 16:9, you will have much more vertical space