我正在尝试用 C 编写一个简单的游戏。我使用 SDL2 来绘制东西。这是一个主循环:
while( !quit_f )
//Handle events on queue
while( SDL_PollEvent( &e ) != 0 )
//User requests quit
if( e.type == SDL_QUIT )
quit_f = 1;
currTime = clock();
dt = (float)((currTime - t)/1000.0f);
update_player(dt, player);
printf("locks before drawing: %i\n", player->surface->locked );
printf("%p\n", player->surface);
printf("locks before window update: %i\n", player->surface->locked );
//Update window surface
SDL_UpdateWindowSurface( window );
printf("%s\n", SDL_GetError());
printf("locks after window update: %i\n", player->surface->locked );
t = currTime;
void draw_player(struct GameObject * self){
printf("%p\n", self->surface);
printf("locks iside draw_player - before blit: %p\n", self->surface->locked);
SDL_BlitSurface(window, NULL, self->surface, NULL);
printf("locks iside draw_player - after blit: %p\n", self->surface->locked);
locks before drawing: 0
locks iside draw_player - before blit: (nil)
locks iside draw_player - after blit: (nil)
locks before window update: 0
Surfaces must not be locked during blit
locks after window update: 0
在 draw_player 函数中是 NULL。指向表面的指针是相同的,所以......我真的不明白。我没有在我的代码中的任何地方调用 SDL_LockSurface 但 SDL 抱怨表面在 blit - 期间被锁定Surfaces must not be locked during blit
。我试图在 SDL_BlitSurface 之前调用 SDL_UnlockSurface 但没有任何改变。有任何想法吗?我必须注意,我是 C 和 SDL 的初学者。我运行 Fedora 24。因为 SDL 是跨平台库,所以应该不是问题。我使用 gcc 6.1.1。
玩家的精灵是 png 格式,这就是我使用 IMG_Load 的原因。以下是播放器的创建方式:
void init_player(struct GameObject * player, char * path, float x, float y){
SDL_Surface * image = IMG_Load(path);
if(image == NULL){
printf("Error while loading png: %s\n", IMG_GetError());
// direction vector
player_dir = malloc(sizeof(Vector2d));
player_dir->x = 0.0f;
player_dir->y = 0.0f;
// destination rectangle
SDL_Rect * dRect = malloc(sizeof(SDL_Rect));
dRect->x = round(x);
dRect->y = round(y);
dRect->w = image->w;
dRect->h = image->h;
player->surface = image;
player->destRect = dRect;
player->x = x;
player->y = y;
player->width = image->w;
player->height = image->h;
player->update = update_player; // function pointer
player->draw = draw_player; // function pointer
最后我要告诉你的。我在 GameObject 结构中存储指向绘制和更新函数的指针。所以我把 update_player 称为player->update(...)
. 绘图函数也是如此。这是一个有点hacky的风格,但我喜欢它。我试图马上打电话给 draw_player。由于结果相同,我认为我的编码风格不是问题。但我可能错了。随时纠正我。
编辑:我可能会发现那个错误。SDL_BlitSurface(window, NULL, self->surface, NULL);
应该是SDL_BlitSurface(screenSurface, NULL, self->surface, NULL);
。Window 是指向 SDL_Window 的指针,而 screenSurface 是指向 SDL_Surface 的指针。为什么编译的时候没有报错??好的,错误消失了。但没有任何显示。
编辑号 2
我找到了。这是一个愚蠢的错误。这是正确的解决方案:SDL_BlitSurface(self->surface, NULL, screenSurface, NULL);
SDL_BlitSurface 如下所示:
int SDL_BlitSurface(SDL_Surface* src,
const SDL_Rect* srcrect,
SDL_Surface* dst,
SDL_Rect* dstrect)