I am new to Windows app development. I am building a C# app targeting UWP desktop & mobile platforms. I have read these links MSDN-Link 1 & MSDN-Link 2

Both these links doesnt seem to talk anything about running WACK tests for mobile. Any useful info will be highly appreciated.


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我正在构建一个针对 UWP 桌面和移动平台的 C# 应用程序。

现在为 UWP 工作流启用了 WACK 测试,无需关心设备平台,无论您的应用在桌面还是移动设备上运行都不会改变 UWP 工作流,您可以在 UWP 应用的 WACK 测试完成后直接将您的应用发布到存储.

于 2016-08-03T08:12:30.227 回答