I want to run a Java Application on an Intermec scanner with Windows Embedded Handheld 6.5 Operating System. I used this tutorial.

The problem is I don't know how to run my application on the Intermec scanner.

I downloaded and installed PhoneME Advanced and PhoneME Feature from here.

I searched for JavaFX like in this tutorial, but when I follow the link to JavaFX on the Oracle site, it says it's included in the current JDK, which I can't install ("The file *** cannot be opened. Either is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of its components cannot be found"). I tried installing the JRE but I get the same message.

Help please?


1 回答 1


Intermec Java 安装文档非常过时,并且与IBM WEME 相关,已经很久没有出售了。

IBM J9 许可很奇怪,只能通过大量安装来实现。但您可能会从 microdoc.com获得验证副本

您可以使用另一个 JAVA VM,例如 PhoneME 或CrEme。JavaFX 似乎已停产,而 IBM J9 或 CrEme 或多或少是当前受支持的产品。

您选择哪种 JVM 还取决于您的意图。Intermec Java Datacollection jar 只能与 J9 一起运行。但是您可以为原生 Scanner API 编写自己的 JNI。

于 2016-08-02T14:02:18.957 回答