我正在尝试创建一个简单的数据结构,可以轻松地在 ASCII 字符串和 Unicode 字符串之间来回转换。我的问题是函数 mbstowcs 返回的长度是正确的,但函数 wcslen 在新创建的 wchar_t 字符串上返回的长度不正确。我在这里错过了什么吗?
typedef struct{
wchar_t *string;
long length; // I have also tried int, and size_t
} String;
void setCString(String *obj, char *str){
obj->length = strlen(str);
free(obj->string); // Free original string
obj->string = (wchar_t *)malloc((obj->length + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t)); //Allocate space for new string to be copied to
//memset(obj->string,'\0',(obj->length + 1)); NOTE: I tried this but it doesn't make any difference
size_t length = 0;
length = mbstowcs(obj->string, (const char *)str, obj->length);
printf("Length = %d\n",(int)length); // Prints correct length
printf("!C string %s converted to wchar string %ls\n",str,obj->string); //obj->string is of a wcslen size larger than Length above...
if(length != wcslen(obj->string))
printf("Length failure!\n");
if(length == -1)
//Conversion failed, set string to NULL terminated character
obj->string = (wchar_t *)malloc(sizeof(wchar_t));
obj->string = L'\0';
//Conversion worked! but wcslen (and printf("%ls)) show the string is actually larger than length
//do stuff