How can I separate my normal logging/auditing from my security logging/auditing? The Windows Event Log makes this distinction with Application Events and Security Events.

If I could create a custom LogLevel, e.g. LogLevel.AuditSuccess or LogLevel.AuditFailure, then I could set my config file rules to equal these and output those events. For example,

<logger name="*" levels="AuditSuccess,AuditFailure" writeTo="target1"/>
<logger name="*" levels="DEBUG,INFO" writeTo="target1"/>

Then I could just use 1 table, record the "Level" in a column, and be able to search and sort my data using this column info. (I don't think we can create a custom LogLevel.)

One workaround that I come up with is to use 2 loggers per class--with each logger being saved to a different target. However, this seems like overkill, especially if I need to add additional similar target types.

<logger name="myNamespace.*" levels="INFO,ERROR" writeTo="target1"/>
<logger name="mySecurityLogger" levels="INFO,ERROR" writeTo="target2"/>

public class MyClass {
    private static Logger _logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();
    private statac Logger _loggerSecurity = LogManager.GetLogger("mySecurityLogger");

With this, I could create two database targets--each with a different table--and then create 1 rule for each destination target.

Any suggestions?


2 回答 2



您可以包装 NLog 以便您可以使用自己的“记录器”进行记录。查看Common.Logging for .NETSLF以获取有关如何包装 NLog 的示例(它们是完整的日志记录抽象,因此它们比您所追求的更复杂,但您可能会得到一些好主意)。另请参阅此处(如果您认为您可能对简单地包装或子类化 NLog Logger 感兴趣,可能应该首先查看此处)以获取如何正确包装(或子类化)NLog 的示例(请注意,关键是传递您的类型将记录器包装/子类化为 NLog 的 Log 方法)。


//Wrapped logger that you could create once in a class and use to log both 
//"normal" messages and "audit" messages.  NLog log level is determined by the 
//logger configuration for the class.
public class MyLogger
  private Logger logger; //NLog logger

  public MyLogger(string name)
    logger = LogManager.GetLogger(name);

  public void Info(string message)
    if (!logger.IsInfoEnabled) return;

    Write(LogLevel.Info, LogLevel.Info.ToString(), message);

  public void AuditSuccess(string message)
    if (!logger.IsInfoEnabled) return;

    Write(LogLevel.Info, "AuditSuccess", message);

  private void Write(LogLevel level, string customLevel, string message)
    LogEventInfo le = new LogEventInfo(level, logger.Name, message);
    le.Context["CustomLogLevel"] = customLevel;
    logger.Log(typeof(MyLogger), le);



//Wrapped logger that you could create once in a class and use to log both "normal"
//and "audit" messages.  NLog log level for each type of message is controllable
//separately since the logger wrapper actually wraps two logger.
public class MyLogger
  private Logger logger; //NLog logger
  private Logger auditLogger;

  public MyLogger(string name)
    logger = LogManager.GetLogger(name);
    auditLogger = LogManager.GetLogger("AuditLogger");

  public void Info(string message)
    if (!logger.IsInfoEnabled) return;

    Write(logger, LogLevel.Info, LogLevel.Info.ToString(), messsage);

  public void AuditSuccess(string message)
    if (!auditLogger.IsInfoEnabled) return;

    Write(auditLogger, LogLevel.Info, "AuditSuccess", message);

  private void Write(Logger log, LogLevel level, string customLevel, string message)
    LogEventInfo le = new LogEventInfo(level, log.Name, message);
    le.Context["CustomLogLevel"] = customLevel;
    log.Log(typeof(MyLogger), le);


在任何一种情况下,您都可以将所有记录器的输出发送到同一个数据库,只需在“自定义级别”列而不是“级别”列上进行查询。根据您拥有多少安全/审计“类别”,您甚至可能想要创建一个具体的层次结构,以便您可以利用 NLog 配置文件中的记录器层次结构:

安全 Security.Audit Security.Audit.Success Security.Audit.Failure Security.Login Security.Login.Success Security.Login.Failure Health Health.Heartbeat Health.Whatever

然后你可以“打开” Security 或 Security.Audit 或. .Failure(不确定最后一个是否有效)。


于 2010-10-07T22:12:15.767 回答

难道你不能在你的类中使用两个不同命名的记录器,输出到同一个目标,并使用${logger} 布局渲染器作为字段值吗?



于 2010-10-07T22:23:49.087 回答