我有一个使用另一个应用程序(用 Java 编写)创建的 zip 文件,该应用程序使用 deflate 方法将文件压缩到一个 zip 文件中,我验证了诸如“上次修改”之类的信息没有修改为当前日期,并且在使用 Ubuntu 的默认存档解压缩时经理它保持不变。
但是,使用 libzip 解压缩会丢失该数据。有什么方法可以避免这种行为,或者有其他保证元数据持久性的库吗?
void decompress_zip(const std::string& zip, const std::string& out_dir, std::function<void(const std::string&)> fileListener) {
std::string finput = zip;
std::string foutput = out_dir;
if(!boost::filesystem::create_directories(foutput) && !fileExists(foutput))
throw "Failed to create directory for unzipping";
foutput += "/tmp.zip";
if (rename(finput.c_str(), foutput.c_str()))
throw "Failed to move zip to new dir";
finput = foutput;
struct zip *za;
struct zip_file *zf;
struct zip_stat sb;
char buf[100];
int err;
int i, len;
int fd;
long long sum;
if ((za = zip_open(finput.c_str(), 0, &err)) == NULL) {
zip_error_to_str(buf, sizeof(buf), err, errno);
throw "can't open zip! (" + finput + ")";
for (i = 0; i < zip_get_num_entries(za, 0); i++) {
if (zip_stat_index(za, i, 0, &sb) == 0) {
len = strlen(sb.name);
if (sb.name[len - 1] == '/') {
} else {
zf = zip_fopen_index(za, i, 0);
if (!zf) {
throw "failed to open file in zip! Probably corrupted!!!";
std::string cFile = out_dir + "/" + std::string(sb.name);
fd = open(cFile.c_str(), O_RDWR | O_TRUNC | O_CREAT, 0644);
if (fd < 0) {
throw "failed to create output file!";
sum = 0;
while (sum != sb.size) {
len = zip_fread(zf, buf, 100);
if (len < 0) {
throw "failed to read file in zip!";
write(fd, buf, len);
sum += len;
if (zip_close(za) == -1) {
throw "Failed to close zip archive! " + finput;
if ( std::remove(foutput.c_str()) )
throw "Failed to remove temporary zip file! " + foutput;