[A]SimpleClassLib.PageHandler cannot be cast to [B]SimpleClassLib.PageHandler. Type A originates from 'SimpleClassLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' in the context 'LoadNeither' at location 'D:...\bin\SimpleClassLib.dll'. Type B originates from 'SimpleClassLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' in the context 'Default' at location 'D:...\bin\Debug\SimpleClassLib.dll'
开发人员在其中一个应用程序配置文件中提到了 [A]D:...\bin\SimpleClassLib.dll 并使用 [B]D:...\bin\Debug\SimpleClassLib.dll 构建了真正的应用程序,因此是其中的一部分应用程序从 [A] 创建了 PageHandler 实例并填充了列表,而另一部分试图从 [B] 类型转换为 PageHandler。
以下示例将很容易触发此错误。希望这可以帮助某人。这是简单的类库。将其构建为 dll。
// SimpleClassLib.dll
namespace SimpleClassLib
public class Foo
string Prop1 { get { return "I am Foo!!"; } }
以下是控制台应用程序。该应用程序链接到 SimpleClassLib,就像来自 VS 2008 的正常添加引用一样。它还从另一个路径加载实例。
// Separate console application App.exe
// Progoram.cs
using SimpleClassLib;
namespace App
class Program
List<object> myFooList;
myFooList = new List<object>();
Assembly a = Assembly.LoadFile(@"<differentpath>\SimpleClassLib.dll");
Type aFooType = a.GetType("SimpleClassLib.Foo");
ConstructorInfo aConstructor = aFooType.GetConstructor(new Type[] { });
myFooList.Add(aConstructor.Invoke(new object[]{}));
myFooList.Add(aConstructor.Invoke(new object[] { }));
myFooList.Add(aConstructor.Invoke(new object[] { }));
void DumpPeculiar()
for (int i = 0; i < myFooList.Count; i++)
// If one inspects the list in debugger will see a list of
// Foo but this Foo comes from a different load context so the
// following cast will fail. While if one executes the line
// f = myFooList[i] as Foo
// it will succeed
Foo f = myFooList[i] as Foo;
Foo f1 = (Foo)myFooList[i];
static void Main(string[] args)
Program p = new Program();