我已经从http://www.bsc.es/computer-sciences/grid-computing/comp-superscalar/downloads-and-documentation下载了 COMPSs 1.4 和一些测试程序,我正在尝试测试它们。Java 执行顺利;但是,我遇到了 C 的问题。
我目前正在尝试执行 Simple。自述文件指出我只需要两个命令:
buidapp simple
runcompss --lang=c master/simple 1
[ERRMGR] - WARNING: Job 1 for running task 1 on worker localhost has failed; resubmitting task to the same worker.
[ERRMGR] - WARNING: Task 1 execution on worker localhost has failed; rescheduling task execution. (changing worker)
[ERRMGR] - WARNING: No task could be scheduled to any of the available resources.
This could end up blocking COMPSs. Will check it again in 20 seconds.
Possible causes:
-Network problems: non-reachable nodes, sshd service not started, etc.
-There isn't any computing resource that fits the defined tasks constraints.
If this happens 2 more times, the runtime will shutdown.
经过 3 次检查后,执行结束,没有结果。有什么我想念的吗?