While moving to the VSTS online builds, I'm running into the following error during my NuGet Packager step in which I package my artifacts into a nuget package based on a nuspec file in my project.

2016-07-28T04:24:41.7652305Z ##[error]Path cannot be null.
2016-07-28T04:24:41.7652305Z ##[error]Parameter name: path

My NuGet Packager step's path variable looks like this:


I checked in nuget.exe 3.4.4 into my solution in the .nuget folder along with my nuget.config. I then, in advanced settings, specified this nuget.exe to be used by entering the following path as "Path to NuGet.exe"


This didn't seem to help.

Prior to this, all other steps are working correctly and my projects are compiling without any issues.

Also, when I run nuget.exe pack command locally for these .nuspec files, the packages are created successfully.

Any input would be much appreciated. Thank you.


1 回答 1



只需更新 My NuGet Packager 步骤的路径:


注意最后一个';' 字符已被删除。如果存在此字符,则 NuGet Packager 模板在此之后需要一个附加字符串,在我的情况下为空白。


于 2016-07-28T07:52:20.930 回答