I very much believe that Rmarkdown and bookdown are the future of content publishing, however some publishers use specific LaTeX templates, and in order to submit the manuscript they need it in that precise template.

For example, see this Springer manuscript template:


Is it possible to make bookdown use this template in order to produce a PDF file?

EDIT: in this book (https://bookdown.org/yihui/bookdown/) on section 4.2 Theming I read it is indeed possible, but I might end up designing a "custom Pandoc LaTeX template".

I guess the question is now about how to design this Pandoc template, and section 4.3 provides some details about it.


1 回答 1


您实际上不必使用自定义 Pandoc LaTeX 模板(如果您愿意,当然可以)。调整几个选项,你就完成了。我只是在 bookdown-demo 存储库中放了一个示例。请参阅此提交以了解我所做的更改,并在此处查看 PDF 示例


于 2016-07-28T21:21:23.123 回答