In my app.component.html I create a custom component (contact-table component) that should get a new value (Account) to present after I update the in the store the connected user to be someone else.
<contact-table [contacts]="connectedAccount$ |async"></contact-table>
export class AppComponent implements OnInit
private connectedAccount$: Observable<Account>;
constructor(private store:Store<any>) {
this.connectedAccount$ =
.select(state=> state.connectedAccountReducer.connectedAccount);
.subscribe(account1=> {
//the app prints any new account that comes up. It's working here.
public ngOnInit() {{
type: updateConnectedAccount,
payload: {
connectedAccount: ACCOUNTS[0]
The subscribtion in AppComponent class works great and fires any update that comes up.
The problem is that the async pipe in app.component.html does not send the new account to the contact-table component. I think he doesn't get notified for any updates.
I tried to see what is being sent to the contact-table component, and I saw he only get one value in the first creation of the contact-table component and its undefined. Thats not possibole becouse my reducer function creates an empty Account object for the initial state of my app.
Is there anything you notice that I missed?