如果您不想使用 ACTION_OPEN_DOCUMENT_TREE 或 ACTION_OPEN_DOCUMENT 来获取 Uri,您可以使用以下从 API19(Android4.4-Kitkat) 到 API28(Android8-Oreo) 有效的方法将 FILE 转换为 Uri (SAF)。如果您想在应用程序之外访问外部可移动存储,则返回的 Uri 与返回对话框及其对 API 28 安全限制(SAF 权限)有效的相同...
* Ing.N.Nyerges 2019 V2.0
* Storage Access Framework(SAF) Uri's creator from File (java.IO),
* for removable external storages
* @param context Application Context
* @param file File path + file name
* @return Uri[]:
* uri[0] = SAF TREE Uri
* uri[1] = SAF DOCUMENT Uri
@RequiresApi(api = Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT)
public static Uri[] getSafUris (Context context, File file) {
Uri[] uri = new Uri[2];
String scheme = "content";
String authority = "com.android.externalstorage.documents";
// Separate each element of the File path
// File format: "/storage/XXXX-XXXX/sub-folder1/sub-folder2..../filename"
// (XXXX-XXXX is external removable number
String[] ele = file.getPath().split(File.separator);
// ele[0] = not used (empty)
// ele[1] = not used (storage name)
// ele[2] = storage number
// ele[3 to (n-1)] = folders
// ele[n] = file name
// Construct folders strings using SAF format
StringBuilder folders = new StringBuilder();
if (ele.length > 4) {
for (int i = 4; i < ele.length - 1; ++i) folders.append("%2F").append(ele[i]);
String common = ele[2] + "%3A" + folders.toString();
// Construct TREE Uri
Uri.Builder builder = new Uri.Builder();
builder.encodedPath("/tree/" + common);
uri[0] = builder.build();
// Construct DOCUMENT Uri
builder = new Uri.Builder();
if (ele.length > 4) common = common + "%2F";
builder.encodedPath("/document/" + common + file.getName());
uri[1] = builder.build();
return uri;
您必须使用 SAF 权限来授予对外部可移动存储的访问权限,如下所示:
context.grantUriPermission(context.getPackageName(), uri, Intent
context.getContentResolver().takePersistableUriPermission(uri, Intent