看起来新的 API 提供了英语的情绪分析,但没有西班牙语,有什么帮助吗?预计什么时候?
3 回答
谷歌研究 NLP PM 在这里。
我们计划以西班牙语发布情绪,但还没有时间表。与此同时,您可以做的一件事是通过 Translate API 运行文本,这对于语法来说会很失败,但实际上对于 Sentiment 来说效果很好。
我们刚刚对 15 个情绪分析 API 进行了概述,其中 8 个目前支持西班牙语:
Great progress has been made for sentiment analysis in Spanish since you asked your question 6 years ago. Today, you have very good Hugging Face Transformer based models, fine-tuned for sentiment analysis in Spanish. For example see these models:
- https://huggingface.co/sagorsarker/codeswitch-spaeng-sentiment-analysis-lince
- https://huggingface.co/daveni/twitter-xlm-roberta-emotion-es
- https://huggingface.co/nlptown/bert-base-multilingual-uncased-sentiment
There are also very good APIs for sentiment analysis in Spanish like NLP Cloud or https://www.repustate.com/spanish-sentiment-analysis/
(disclaimer: I'm a developer of NLP Cloud)