我正在开发一个需要通过 VB6 与 Mitsubishi M70 CNC(FTP 服务器)通信的项目。虽然我与它的初始通信是成功的,但当我尝试向它上传或下载文件时,出现以下错误:

Error 120003

200 Type set to I
200 Port command successful
500 Cannot Copy file/Directory. Permission Denied.

我可以手动复制并粘贴文件夹中的文件。但是当我尝试通过 VB 做同样的事情时,它显示错误。

MY Project VB exe 安装在与我的 FTP 服务器相同的 PC 上。


Option Explicit

Private m_GettingDir As Boolean
Private Sub AddMessage(ByVal msg As String)
    txtResults.Text = txtResults.Text & vbCrLf & msg
    txtResults.SelStart = Len(txtResults.Text)
End Sub

Private Sub cmdUpload_Click()
Dim host_name As String
Dim CMD2 As String

    Enabled = False
    MousePointer = vbHourglass
    txtResults.Text = "Working"
    txtResults.SelStart = Len(txtResults.Text)

   ' You must set the URL before the user name and
   ' password. Otherwise the control cannot verify
   ' the user name and password and you get the error:
   '       Unable to connect to remote host

   inetFTP.URL = "ftp://Administrator:CNC@NCExplorer:8080/(192,168,1,101)/"
   inetFTP.UserName = "Administrator"
   inetFTP.Password = "CNC"

   ' This is the path where Remote File is to be Copied

    CMD2 =   "ftp://Administrator:CNC@NCExplorer:8080/(192,168,1,101)/CNC%20MEMORY/PRG/USER/NEW_test.txt"

    'Is the syntax  of Remote file  path  Correct? I dont want to copy the   file in Home directory 

    '  Execution 

     inetFTP.Execute , "PUT C:\TEST.TXT CMD2"

  '    m_GettingDir = True
   '    inetFTP.Execute , "Dir"
  End Sub
Private Sub inetFTP_StateChanged(ByVal State As Integer)
    Select Case State
        Case icError
            AddMessage "Error: " & _
                "    " & inetFTP.ResponseCode & vbCrLf & _
               "    " & inetFTP.ResponseInfo
        Case icNone
            AddMessage "None"
        Case icConnecting
            AddMessage "Connecting"
        Case icConnected
            AddMessage "Connected"
        Case icDisconnecting
            AddMessage "Disconnecting"
        Case icDisconnected
            AddMessage "Disconnected"
        Case icRequestSent
            AddMessage "Request Sent"
        Case icRequesting
            AddMessage "Requesting"
        Case icReceivingResponse
            AddMessage "Receiving Response"
        Case icRequestSent
            AddMessage "Request Sent"
        Case icResponseReceived
            AddMessage "Response Received"
        Case icResolvingHost
            AddMessage "Resolving Host"
        Case icHostResolved
            AddMessage "Host Resolved"

        Case icResponseCompleted
            AddMessage inetFTP.ResponseInfo

        If m_GettingDir Then
            Dim txt As String
           Dim chunk As Variant
           m_GettingDir = False

             'Get the first chunk.
           chunk = inetFTP.GetChunk(1024, icString)
            Do While Len(chunk) < 0
                txt = txt & chunk
                chunk = inetFTP.GetChunk(1024, icString)

         '  AddMessage "----------"
            AddMessage txt
        End If

   Case Else
        AddMessage "State = " & Format$(State)
End Select

Enabled = True
MousePointer = vbDefault
End Sub

1 回答 1


您没有给 ftp cpommand 查看最终位置的机会。它把这个位置当作 CMD2



inetFTP.Execute , "PUT C:\TEST.TXT CMD2"


inetFTP.Execute , "PUT C:\TEST.TXT " & CMD2
于 2016-07-25T21:44:27.510 回答