I have a list of netcdf files that I am trying to concatenate along the time dimension.
I am attempting to use the steps outlined here, which seem simple enough. However, I am running into some errors (likely some small/stupid oversight on my part...)
When I try to first make time a record dimension, I am using the following command:
ncks -O --mk_rec_dmn time TiMREX_20080526_000001.nc test_out.nc
This, however, give me the following error:
ncks: invalid option -- '-'
It seems like this is just some simple syntax/typo error on my part, but try as I might I can' find anything wrong.
Just to be sure, when I run a ncdump -h on the file, it confirms that there is indeed a time dimension
ncdump -h TiMREX_20080526_000001.nc
netcdf TiMREX_20080526_000001 {
time = 1 ;
bounds = 2 ;
x0 = 300 ;
y0 = 300 ;
z0 = 40 ;
Additionally, if I try to skip this step and just go right to the ncrcat part...
ncrcat -O TiMREX_20080526_000001.nc TiMREX_20080526_000733.nc test_out.nc
I get the following error:
ncopen: filename "TiMREX_20080526_000001.nc": Not a netCDF file
Which is especially odd...I'm pretty confident it is indeed at netCDF file (I just ran ncdump on it after all, and have no problem viewing it with ncview...)
Any thoughts? What simple step am I embarrassingly missing?