我有一个带有几列的 ui-grid。其中两列是可编辑的。我还启用了行选择,这使得复选框出现在行的最左列。


    vm.tableOptions = {
        appScopeProvider: vm,
        data: [],
        enableSorting: true,
        enableFiltering: true,
        enableRowSelection: true,
        enableColumnResizing: true,
        enableSelectAll: true,
        multiSelect: true,
        enableGridMenu: true,
        virtualizationThreshold: 18,
        fastWatch: true,
        scrollDebounce: 500,
        wheelScrollThrottle: 500,
        rowHeight: 40,
        headerRowHeight: 40,
        minRowsToShow: 15,
        paginationPageSize: 25,
        paginationPageSizes: [],
        treeRowHeaderAlwaysVisible: false,
        saveScroll: true,
        saveGroupingExpandedStates: true,
        enableCellEditOnFocus: true,

        onRegisterApi: function (gridApi) {
            vm.gridApi = gridApi;

            * Checks if any rows are selected in the tasks grid.
            * @returns True if any tasks are selected; otherwise, false.
            function anyRowsSelected() {
                var selectedRows = vm.gridApi.selection.getSelectedRows();
                return selectedRows ? selectedRows.length > 0 : false;

            // Check if any tasks are selected when the selection changes
            gridApi.selection.on.rowSelectionChanged(null, function (row) {
                vm.isRowsSelected = anyRowsSelected();

            // Check if any tasks are selected when batch selection changes
            gridApi.selection.on.rowSelectionChangedBatch(null, function (rows) {
                vm.isRowsSelected = anyRowsSelected();

            // This is a hack to manually move the focus to next editable cell
            // I want to avoid this since this is causing some issues.
            gridApi.cellNav.on.navigate($scope, function (newRowCol, oldRowCol) {
                var assetColIndex = 4;
                if (newRowCol.col.name === "selectionRowHeaderCol" &&
                    oldRowCol.col.name === "SerialNumber") {
                        vm.gridApi.cellNav.scrollToFocus(newRowCol.row.entity, vm.tableOptions.columnDefs[assetColIndex]);

            $timeout(vm.restoreGridState, 50);
        columnDefs: [
            { name: "DiscreteSkuId", enableCellEdit: false, allowCellFocus: false },
                 name: "SlotBin", 
                 cellTemplate: slotBinCellTemplate, 
                 enableCellEdit: false, 
                 allowCellFocus: false,
                 sort: {
                    direction: 'desc',
                    priority: 0
            { name: "Model", enableCellEdit: false, allowCellFocus: false },
            { name: "AssetType", enableCellEdit: false, allowCellFocus: false },
            { name: "AssetTag" , cellTemplate: editableCellTemplate, cellEditableCondition: allowTableEdit },
            { name: "SerialNumber" , cellTemplate: editableCellTemplate, cellEditableCondition: allowTableEdit },
            { name: "ValidationFailureReasons", cellTemplate: errorMessageCellTemplate, enableCellEdit: false, allowCellFocus: false }


<div id="table" ui-grid="rackItemDetailsCtrl.tableOptions" ng-disabled="rackItemDetailsCtrl.disableUserInteraction" class="grid tasks-table ui-grid-row-hover" ui-grid-save-state ui-grid-resize-columns ui-grid-selection ui-grid-grouping ui-grid-move-columns ui-grid-auto-resize ui-grid-scrolling-fix ui-grid-edit ui-grid-cellNav></div>

Angular ui-grid 版本:

Angularjs 版本:1.4.9


1 回答 1



gridApi.grid.getColumn('selectionRowHeaderCol').colDef.allowCellFocus = false;
于 2016-08-18T02:14:24.720 回答